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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Incorrect, it's the other way round. I remember first, and then I remind you
  2. Ahem, pig pro. Sealed bearings... Every Pig I've come across has eventually eaten the lower bearings or lost them. My pro is years old and doesn't creak at all. Pig Pro, my friend.
  3. If it goes in one thread, a search will show just that thread, and it'll be impossible to find. Separate forum!
  4. Killing In The Name? I'll take three! What's gay is that fool's already in no.1 and he's not even been in the charts 10 seconds.
  5. When I want to extract the audio from a video on youtube, I open sound recorder, put a lead from the headphones socket to the microphone socket, and record whilst playing the video. Works a treat.
  6. We've got one of these, the MTB pics thread...
  7. Thing about that is, I'd not bother because if no-one's replied to it when it was first created, no-one will reply when it gets bumped either. Unless it's been bumped by someone replying, lol.
  8. Cool, fast reply. See if tomturd or a moderator can merge the chit-chat road bike thread with this one... Or replace it..
  9. Depends on how you're doing it, but your microphone/input level might have boost on it, which causes hiss.
  10. Yeah , that's it. Shit, isn't it? You'll notice it wasn't ridden very hard. This is because it would snap.
  11. The only Pete round here that's famous is one who doesn't come on here any more. It turned out he worked for hope, was a tester for hope, his uncle owned hope, and he once produced a bike that resembled a large metal stick, that, as I am told, was unrideable. For some reason I think he also had ties to NASA. Anyway, it was all shite. Except for the bike, he really did make it, but it too was shite.
  12. This idea gets a vote from me.
  13. ...It will line Sony's pockets. And Rage's pockets, which is good, they should get back together and record. I will be happy if it gets to no.2, purely because it shows that it was at least possible.
  14. So basically, he's a f**ktard. Well, he'll have eaten too much fat. Notice that he says he takes vitamin pills too... Cheese has protein in, so it's not altogether the worst thing you could do something like that with, but when he says he's got a healthy diet, you must understand he doesn't have a scooby clue what he's talking about, he's just trying to justify himself.
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