A 24" limey?! Sounds great, I'm in! Providing it's something like... 1050 WB 72 or 71.5 HA 375 CS 45 or maybe even 50 BB I dunno, but if you ever made a 24" limey with that geo, I'd be happy to try it out
I dunno how you shite slowly. You go, sit down, then shit, wipe your arse, then leave. Not sit down, read a page, shit, read a page, wipe your arse, read some more, wipe some more, read some more, and then leave.
I got 51. Mind you, I retty much only use my index fingers for the letters. I use my little finger for shift and stuff though. If I learnt to type using all my fingers I could go faster, but... naaah.
I wonder what I could do to mine to lighten it? It's a Zoot, Echo pure forks, front pro II on rhyno lite, rear pro IItt on rhyno lite, middleburns, a shimano UN BB, heatsink cloud 9 bash, using a mech as a tensioner, and DMR v8 pedals.
Send it back - at 3 months old it's within warranty. It's probably a manufacturer error, so it's likely to get fixed, but on the off chance it's not, they should at least be able to tell you what's wrong with it.
I remember all the way back in year 5 - we did a survey about traffic, and this lass who sat on the same table used to spell 'buses' as 'buse's' And even back then, when I was... 10? or 11? It used to f**k me off. I thought, 'How the shit can you think you need to add in something that doesn't go there? Missing stuff out, fair enough, but adding in stuff... Tha's crackers, lass.' This grammar nazi stuff is innate.