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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Man, get another slot on there, that was cool! Although make it one that's not when I'm at work, lol.
  2. Do you have inside information?
  3. May as well, beats the other lass you spoke about in your post
  4. Revolver


    Tom must've put them on then. It's an option on the profile editing screen at the top.
  5. Doh, I made a typo. It's my worry too, but also because there's no similar frames, you can't ride a similar bike to feel a similar geo. It's all or nothing, lol. Buying a Kabra for me could be risky, it could be too much of a change and I could hate it, but I could like it even more. Such a risk! I've got to ride my zoot and seriously think if the change would make positive difference. Same with you, I guess.
  6. This is true, but learning backhops seperately, and then wheelie-stop technique, is much more straight forwards as you learn the timing for letting go of the brake withouth having to concentrate on the jumping.
  7. Triton! But it's a bit of a risk, it's a lot of money for a frame wiht a geo you can't guarantee you'll like.
  8. That looks toss! Hahaha No, I've got a zoot, it does the job better than anything else out atm. No, 24" is about people who don't want kiddie wheels or massive wheels.
  9. Go look in the Trials Forum wiki for the pedal kick tutorial.
  10. Revolver

    Plough It

    I would skewer Cheryl Cole from head to toe, or kill us both trying.
  11. Cool, now I've got one. Now you can get back on topic, lol.
  12. Bit off topic, this. Why does RobinJI have a little union jack flag under his avatar?
  13. Revolver

    My Two4 Video

    That was sick! A proper video at last, lol.
  14. Hearing that, I'm even more interested in the kabra. We shall have to look at the price...
  15. Stupid frame manufacturers, lol. For me it's either a decent 24" frame, or a short stock that's not also low BBd.
  16. I do know what you mean. If only there was a custom trials frame dude who used alu...
  17. Yeah, the zoot is something like 5mm CS off the inspired, and that's the only difference AFAIK. I agree with this other thing too, I think that's why I changed up, but I've been doing 24" for a year now, or something like that, lol. Check out the Kabra - http://www.tribalzine.com/?Juanda-s-Kabra-24&lang=fr. There is a geo floating around somewhere. I'm interested, but I dunno if it will be a little too different for me. We shall see. Thankfully it also promises to be pretty light, which I'm interested in. A bit of a scale thing, the inspired/zoot have +35mm BB which is equal to that of +10 on a stock. The Kabra has +60, which is equal to somewhere around +25, which sounds not too bad at all.
  18. The thing with the limey 24" is that Onza aren't even sure if they want to make it at all yet. Even if they make a proto, I'll have it! I'd test one out too, lol. That way they'd get the opinion of someone who only rides 24", rather than a 20" or 26" rider who would be comparing it to either of those.
  19. A second hand zoot, a lot of luck and a ciguena, a risk and a kabra, which isn't out yet, or a shitload of persuasion and patience, and a limey 24". Emphasis on shitload. I'd like to add, the top two are the only two to exist and be possible to buy, but they are also not really TGS frames.
  20. Cool! What about the hole in the middle though?
  21. Well, I voted for cram it in, but I'm equally as likely to eat each square one at a time. Usually opposing corners.
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