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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. You should've put where's my monkey in instead of no 15.
  2. But then that's a big pleasure and not a little pleasure. When I get a decent 2-3 shift out of a corner, my mind drifts from the fact that the roof still drips water on my head/cock despite the fact the sunroof is now fully sealed shut.
  3. You are both wrong! You want to be going faster, not slower! A good 2nd to 3rd out of a corner is win.
  4. To drop off, position your back wheel at the edge of the drop, lower the front end off the drop until it's around level, and then let go of the back brake and roll off, landing to two wheels. Lowering the front wheel sort of lowers the drop. Everything's got to go further if you don't do it.
  5. A good shift between 2nd gear and 3rd
  6. Looks wise it looks too low. Geo wise, I don't care, I'm not riding mod any more! My opinion on it is this - the limey hydroformed tubes look great, so this should, and geometry-wise, if it suits CLS then it can't exactly be shite, especially considering his last frame wasn't exactly shite, lol.
  7. Cool, on your advice I've ordered a black 'un and a grey 'un in medium. Looking forwards to not being ice cold, like today.
  8. Options, top right. Click standard.
  9. In actual fact it makes sidehops to that side more nobody is really bothered
  10. What geo is your adamant? Is it a stock or modstock?
  11. Heh, well, if it doesn't I'm changing to stock, probably next year.
  12. I much like the idea of using 2 wheels where possible, and only relying on backwheel moves when you must, really. Something like that. Using 2 wheels more definately saves energy
  13. Revolver

    King Bmx

    You CAN just change the hubshell, but the freehub body is different.
  14. The short echo pure looks nice. I'd like to have a go on one Maybe you can sway me.
  15. NONSENSE! If TGS 24" frames are a waste of money, then what do you ride if stocks are too big and mods are too small?
  16. The T-rex is in fact based on the coustellier frame.
  17. Revolver

    King Bmx

    Hmm, the hubsheel itself us the same, the bit the spokes go in, but I think the other bit you'll need to change. On a BMX it will be shorter to accept one sprocket, but you'll need the 9sp one I think.
  18. Revolver

    King Bmx

    You probably have to change the freehub body too.
  19. Revolver

    Joe Laidlaw

    Rubbish camera. Cool riding though, I guess.
  20. It turns out that the difference in chains is in the little metal spacer in the middle. Therefore, if you take a slim KMC kool chain, the 810 I think, and take the slim spacer from one of the links you take out, you can put this in the half link in exchange for it's thicker one, meaning you've got a half link to fit your chain It works, I've done it
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