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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. This is great news, I think the BB might be too high though... we'll see.
  2. Not really, because we're talking about the Kabra frame that no-one has yet.
  3. I ordered my stuff after the 3pm deadline for UPS next day delivery, on wednesday, and it came yesterday anyway!
  4. Sounds good. Stoke plaza is what you're looking for for street. If there's a lot of you, I should think you'll be good for a day there. Maybe you'd also want to check out leicester? It's not far from stoke and it's pretty good so it's worth a look.
  5. Revolver


    That reminds me, we (me and the mate who also built the snowman) went to an industrial estante in my mate's volvo 360, for drifting I also had a go at holding onto the spoiler whilst he drove, which was fun!
  6. We did go to castle park, spent a moment at the corner where there's the entrance and the fish tiles in that weird thing. We then moved further in, and met up with Matt Burrows! Sound guy, his bike rides great too lol.
  7. Pig pro headset - 9/10 a split ring would make it 10/10, or a hacksaw Hope heatset 10/10. smooth as owt. Spend half the money amd buy summat else for £50?
  8. Chain reaction have been sick for me, they were shit hot at delivering. They made one mistake in 4 years of me using them though - instead of a sora rear mech they sent me a dura-ace front mech. Needless to say I can sell that to buy two more sora mechs
  9. senti-meaters, didn;t you learn nuffink in scool? C'mon Dave, this is a great idea, make a proper version!
  10. Revolver


    Taller than me! I'm 5'11.5"
  11. I am. Piecing rough ideas for a summer road trip together. We're going to be f**ked at the end.
  12. What the f**k does red taste of?
  13. Go on, give us the reasons to back up your posts...
  14. Revolver


    7 foot sexually ambiguous snowperson
  15. You would fly real high up, and then you'd fall, but not in a straight line and you'd splat on the floor. It's also worth noting that in actual fact, if we dig a hole directly through the earth, it will end up in the ocean.
  16. Bike maintenance is pretty straight forwards. I think Park Tool have a book about it. Anyway, taking a bike apart and putting it back together is more or less easy. You pretty much ony need a 4 and 5mm allen keys. There is a workshop section in the wiki.
  17. f**ksake, you can do more stuff than me now.
  18. Haha, good post. If onza put a little bit of work in producing a better fork, that would be good. A pro series fork as well would be great, maybe market it under tensile?
  19. Geometry (with Echo Urban fork, sold separately) Wheelbase: 1040mm Chainstay Length: 385mm BB Rise: 35mm (approximately equivalent to 10mm rise on a 26" bike) Head Angle: 73 degrees Reach from centre of BB shell to centre top of head tube: 650mm (25.5") I would be tempted to go for 375 CS and 40 or 45 BB, but if you're looking for an inspired copy, leave it. It turns out a higher BB is actually good for spinning moves, and it's good for trials so maybe you'd want to raise it a bit? Totally your choice! That's the good thing about marino. I'd buy a marino if he did them in alu
  20. The majority of the order form is straignt forwards. You need to remember to click euro BB type if you're wanting to use an ISIS or square taper BB. You might want to use 135mm and horizontal dropouts. The only area of the geo that confuses me is the SA, seat angle. I know what it is, but not so much what difference it makes. You may as well set the tyre clearance to 2.7, for more choice of tyres, and the extra room if you buckle the wheels. Anything else I can help with?
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