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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver

    Alex Dark snow 2010 video

    YOOOOOOOOO, look at that guy's hair!
  2. I found two - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=97608 and the one I was on about - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=140911
  3. Nothing's past bumpable if you've got a good reason. Still, if you want to check out spots, look in that thread. No reason why this one can't be for arranging trips though
  4. Hmm... I bought a pair to put on a t-rex I've got in my shed. They don't seem too bad from a few hops in the garden, but that doesn't say much
  5. We've got a thread about this somewhere. It might be called 'UE'
  6. Revolver


    I've made a video guide to bath bleeds, I need to finish editing it and then I can upload it, lol.
  7. Hahahaha, it rides lovely... Well, I suppose that's a win for you. If you try to make another frame, it might still be worth buying a shite bike so you can reuse the dropouts and BB shell and headtube, to save yourself the hassle of making them yourself.
  8. Haha, because you get kicked off the good spots, and because I've ridden most of it, although not very well.
  9. Haha, no, you're allowed, you have a yellow bike.
  10. Get out, with your pink text...
  11. It was just more big TGS stuff...
  12. That's no excuse not to get another pedal-powered trials bike though. Do it!
  13. Revolver


    Could be true. I think they made road bikes somewhere along the timeline before the current owners took over.
  14. Revolver

    Roadie Sizes.

    You have done a very bad thing.
  15. It sounds like you mean, putting oil in a brake with water/antifreeze in it... In that case, empty it and then just bleed it with oil.
  16. That's nice! Those graphics are great! What's the geometry?
  17. People want to ride in Nottingham?! Don't do it If you want to ride in Nottingham, you have to know two things - most of the good spots are also hotspots for CPOs, and, if you want to ride all the good spots, be prepared to ride quite far.
  18. If you used some smaller, fatter kind of stud it might work. You'd also want to glue them in,a nd then take an old inner tube and glue that to the inside to stop them poking in and giving you a flat. Still, better yet, stay inside.
  19. Tartybikes started off servicing king hubs, I think. I'm on the side of if it's not broke, don't fix it. If it's not skipping and you service it, even taking the insides out could encourage it to skip. I've heard that a dodgy wheel build can actually deform the hubshell a little bit which can encourage it to skip...
  20. Yes, a bit, but it's not really bad. It's still pretty quick acting.
  21. This is true, mine has generally felt like an oild bleed when bled with water, lol. Maybe a little bit thinner.
  22. Revolver


    IT'S A FIXIE! It's also proof that onza didn't always make trials bikes. Onza originally did roadie bikes, but the guys who own the name now bought it and used it to produce trials bikes for the masses.
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