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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Looks cool, I like the shoes on the pedals Crazy guy, riding on snow...
  2. Tyres - high rollers, minions, mountain king, rubber queen or der kaiser. I'd go for the first two if you're new though. Pressure - 25psi all round
  3. That was cool, considering there was a mod in it
  4. That sounds retarded... I always thought the time only came into play when people had scored the same. The UCI way, with the time limit and then penalties for exceeding it, is sensible.
  5. You need - This HD Axle lockring, This HD Axle, These funbolts. I snapped a standard axle and I'm not a big rider or really too much of a basher either. If you've got the money, you can complete the HD conversion with the steel driveshell. It's pretty expensive
  6. On the subject of not breaking down and the cost of oil spills, I think I heard that not only do you pay for the oil spill cleaning up, they close the track until it's done, and you must pay what they're losing to close the track.
  7. I believe it's actually meant to be a moto DH bike. Which sounds crazy to me, you're likely enough to die doing DH on a pushbike, without adding an engine to make you go faster. How about that? A cross between a mototrials bike and a BMX!
  8. Tom Booth has also gone. I've picked up one piece of information from him that's stuck - do not break down on the track, you will have to pay through the nose.
  9. Bath, sink, bucket, whatever In fact, I say something similar in the video, I think, unless I cut that out.
  10. It's a lot of money for a bike, but it's got some history behind it so it's got sentimental value. Kudos on the donation to charity too
  11. Hahaha! There's no chance of me going on live, it doesn't work well enough here on silver for me to want to pay for gold.
  12. Haha, that sounds like proper serious talk for a video game Still, it beats being headshot constantly, like when I played halo at my mate's a few years ago.
  13. I picked the one with the most metal to it, cause you'd expect that to mean more friction so more stopping power.
  14. Revolver


    Somewhere in the pits of trials chat is a thread I started called 'small mechanical questions'... Naturally, people started topics asking how to do trivial things anyway, and not used it, but you're welcome to find it and bump it.
  15. Interesting choice of quote there...
  16. Vimeo Video ->Original Video How to water bleed a HS33 brake in a bath. Well, I've been meaning to make a video guide for this for a while, and I got some new pistons so I made the video. Now none of you should be complaining the bath bleed doesn't work, because it's easy. Haha. I've got some footage of how to do an antifreeze syringe bleed too, but it was too large a file size to include it, I might upload that later.
  17. The TPA is pointless, kind of. You needn't use it to set your brake, it's really only there for people who might wear down a lot of pad in one journey. The idea is once you've finished you undo the TPA again and set it up properly.
  18. It's a mod, mods handle weird.
  19. I don't think he's having net problems, he seems to be able to send emails.
  20. Drops never make cool videos... However, it's pretty big, which is ballsy. You need to learn the proper technique though, which is to go right to the edge, then lower the front until its almost if not level, and then drop off. This effectively reduces the size of the drop. Plus, if you learn this, if you add in a bit of preload and a pedal-kick, you could gap away from the drop too.
  21. I prefer the idea of no slicks. I can see why you'd want slicks, but this causes two problems - if the slick is extra thick, like as thick as the tread on knobbly tyres is, then it's going to weigh a ton, and if it's thin, like a knobbly tyre only with no knobbles, it's going to wear down real quick. Also, any attempt at grip in the wet may well go out of the window. Knobbly tyres also give you grip in muddy conditions and in loose surfaces like gravel, which comes in handy for places like bunny.
  22. Tom and Danny have what seems to be a rather laid back approach to the forum. The real truth is, Tom made an announcement, I think in a topic in chit chat, that the name change was being disabled and that people would need to PM him with details of what you wanted your name to be changed to. I guess you both missed the deadline to that!
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