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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Is that the long one? Hurry up and finish it off, it looks like it could be quite nice!
  2. Interesting how there's not a vee brake option, when vee brakes users and street riders are pretty much the same group of people Sort of.
  3. Fool, you should be working overtime at work for bike stuff and not on TF!
  4. Weren't you looking at buying a 7 series? You could take that? You could even take the CRX!
  5. What's a good cam? Lol, I dunno any of this stuff, I use a locked out derallieur Think I'd pick the tryall cam, on the fact it's got solid looking notches. Still, that makes it £276 for that frame then.
  6. Man, on the outside... I guess I could get some green ones. I really need to sell my jump bike.
  7. Damn, there's no point then Haha, I dunno, it's a lot of money for something I might not like. I'd have to buy the cams too. Do snail cams work with a hope proIIt?
  8. Ditch both, have one bike for both! Personally I dunno if I would like the BB rise, I dunno if it's too much.
  9. Rohypnol is for sex, falcon punch is the contraception.
  10. Sounds like the most straightforward answer is rohypnol.
  11. Dandelions you can just steal from anyone's garden though? The stupid white flowery thing.
  12. I think there was a discussion on here about that, and it came to the conclusion that that amount of EPs came at a price, which was quality of EP and amount of pawls engaged at once.
  13. Because road riders don't get much choice.
  14. I think they put Danny because it would be more straight forward, seeing as everyone (who's not into trials) will associate inspird with Danny. Something like that. Maybe they got a picture of Ali, thought 'Who the f**k is this?', and put Danny cause they couldn't be arsed to find out who Ali 'The CHAMP' C was.
  15. Get one... if you get one, I'll get one.
  16. Who says you need a long bike to do TGS? It's a proper trials 24", rather than a street machine.
  17. If it was +55 or so, I would've already bought one, because it would've been exactly what I was looking for. +70 is something I've got to think about. I liked Tom's adamant, but it was ages ago when I rode it, and I couldn't ride it just for being shite, so it might not really count.
  18. Those are called little b*****d brake block things, and you can get them from onza, maybe.
  19. Somewhere in the production of a frame there is always chance for something to come out a little different than expected. The wheelbase may also be the maximum wheelbase, cause it's horizontal dropouts. That could even effect the BB height. However you'd expect the CS to shorten with the wheelbase
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