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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. You live in Nottingham? Come out one day when some of the lboro lads are down, and you can try a stock and see. Do you have a car? There's a lboro or bunny ride tomorrow, so you could even go to that.
  2. Stock. If you want an 07 control, harmertrials has one for sale for cheap. Well, his is actually an 06.
  3. If you're going to say Damon, then I'll say Neil T... Except this is for the whole 00s. 24" rider, I'll go for Phil Feeney, just to be different 20" rider, Samovar, the dude who does the funky grindy thing, although I'm not too sharp on mod riders. 26" rider, Ali C, his videos are really cool to watch.
  4. I definately did not get this picture by googling 'powerball high score' and searching through the image results.
  5. Pads: Onza Citrus, the yellow pads Time used: a few hours Rim used: Onza rim Grind: Yes. Possibly quite a sharp one. Brake used: Oil-bled magura 05+ with a tensile booster. What is your opinion of a working brake: A brake that locks and holds real good How do they compare to previous pads you have used: Not as good as the koxx yellows. Better than my koxx browns, i think, but they were dodgy. Review: They've worn down too much to be useable. They were on my mate's bike, he didn't do any trials cause his hub was skipping. He rode around town and by the end of the ride, both levers pulled all the way in, on full TPA. They seemed to be reasonable performance, not that I did any proper riding on them. I think they're made for a smooth rim, lol.
  6. Is this a real thing, or are you messing with us?
  7. If everyone in NMC was validated when they saidf they wanted to sell something, then any scammer could do the same thing. Validation is a protection system, to prevent spammers and scammers. Be happy this system is more straight forwards
  8. Your trials bike with a seat needs to be put into production!
  9. Screw that, it's a mess over there, have you seen?!
  10. Car bodywork filler at a guess. You can get ready-mixed stuff in a tube that'd be good for this application.
  11. YEAH! SIDEHOPS! He's a pretty creative rider
  12. No way, they've sold out already
  13. Here's a good answer - If you want to ride trials, and are a rider who prefers riding on rocks, you might want to choose a stock. However, because you mentioned your son now has a BMX and you want to be able to ride where he does, a 24" such as the fourplay is much better suited for BMX style riding. It's also good because if set up right, it can hold its own at trials. Dave Marshall, in fact, has done competitions on his, which goes to show how versatile it is. Plus, you can sit down! I'd go for a seaty 24"
  14. The best idea for this would be to get an ordinary top-cap, and cut a slot in it. Then there'd be room for the cable.
  15. They enter as neither. I think all the categories are merged.
  16. Sadly, it's not a very easy process - you need to PM tomturd. You should've thought about that when you came up with this one Seeing as you're in NMC... you can't PM see, so you're stuck.
  17. Do the right thing, buy the because 24".
  18. Nothing stops you from riding with no top cap (or even drilling your existing one) but you'll have to take the hose off the lever to fit it down there, unless you use a cable brake.
  19. Revolver


    See, I knew it was someone familiar
  20. Revolver


    Cool, not bad. Who's the song by? I recognise the voice but I can't remember.
  21. You're using a stock, so you'll probably want 22-18, or 24-20 Easy as that!
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