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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Yes, sort of. I have this bookmark, it works as a bookmark, which is javascript... if you activate the bookmark on a youtube video, it will then give you a link to download it. java script:document.location='http://keepvid.com/?url='+escape(window.location); It doesn't work every time, sometimes you have to click it a couple of times.
  2. I know... it sounds highly unlikely, but it looks like that because is pretty much as high as you could get away with, so I dunno what they'd do instead.
  3. Long or short? I wouldn't mind a short one, very nice feeling bike. As far as the long goes, I haven't ridden one for a LONG time, but I seem to recall it was good. It's only my opinion though. The guy's who it is, really didn't like it. He's a bit special though... hence the pink username.
  4. If you can't find a swap deal, if you go for a modstock frame you can use your current cranks, freewheel and hubs, and brakes. Probably bars too, pedals...
  5. True... but because most people who are tall use a stock, according to that logic YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. See?
  6. Christ, all these lame jokes... I wonder if the warrenty covers cracks?
  7. There's nothing stopping a tall rider from riding a mod, but obviously they won't feel cramped on a mod, they'll feel fine. If our dude here is feeling cramped, then it means he could do with a stock.
  8. I've heard of a Rainbird spray job. Something like a 5-10 minute go with a rattle can, and then get out riding on it.
  9. Reyy, I voted for you dude, and you got validated. I voted, cause you seem to be able to construct at least a coherent sentence and argument, and have a grasp of grmmar that is at least basic. That is all that I look for before validation. Sadly, a lot of people in NMC don't do it.
  10. SICK! Please let it have a sensible BB height.
  11. I'm going to say, the suzuki thing fishy had. Vitara? Or the grand vitara? Either maybe.
  12. Basically, yes. If you like the idea of a stock but feel like it's a little too big for you, a 24" is win. I reckon I'm going to wait for more choice of frames, lol. I really don't hate my zoot enough to warrant spending £280 to get this frame and not even necessarily like it. I still want one though
  13. What about Jack Meek for the 26" rider? Going by the fact he learnt the frontflip drop, and the hang-none, and the flair he was trying? Not to mention organizing the massive london ride.
  14. It's GOOD. You can get it for free if you look in the right places. It's a game rather like guitar hero or dance game shite, where you do things to the time of music, only on audiosurf, you control a little car thing, and it collects squares. There are different types of game to play. Look it up on youtube, it's fun.
  15. Street bikes like that look shit cause they're just too plain. Although I approve of the raw finish on the frame Speak for yourself, lass.
  16. Am goan upload some photos I took on me SLR camera... Theyre goin' in't photo thread when am done, but I've gotta wait fer summat else to upload first, part of a uni assignment.
  17. See, Onza? If they ran out of stock of those in two days, what will happen with an even better looking frame with an even better geo?
  18. When will they be back in? You can't've had many.
  19. Ride his stock! You don't have to buy it from him, ride it, see if you're better on it. See if he'll let you take it out for the day, that way you can get used to it enough to see properly. Anyway, if you like it, buy one.
  20. Mansfield, eh? Send a PM to Mikey C and padarik. Paddy has a stock GU, or at least he did when I saw him last. Mikey might even have a stock, he was talking about building one. Hurry up and pass your test.
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