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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It's too short cause you weren't there! Stuff uni...
  2. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  3. Damon's got nothing on this guy. Damon can't sidehop 67"!
  4. Revolver

    Neon 2010!

    It's a cross between the monty kamel, and the onza limey.
  5. You started a thread about making a paper tube with a fan on it?
  6. I like the detail with the blue bolts.
  7. I once sidehopped a white van. The pics were really blurry though.
  8. You're from Nottingham as well, are you? Well, that's cool. Whereabouts? Could do with some riders to replace the last wave, who seem to have given up, albeit very quietly. Have you tried leaving a comment on his profile? I think NMC members can do that.
  9. How long have you been riding? 67" is it? I think I know what's going on.
  10. Mm.. Don't get your hopes up about 'experience'... I wouldn't call myself good, personally.
  11. Certainly! You can at least pop down on the train. Mind you, I've never rode in Mansfield. I'd like to, at some point, so maybe I'll pop up soon.
  12. He HAS tried a stock, a 26". That's what I asked him. It's true that he could ride a stock, and a month later decide it's wrong*, but this is why I recommended having a long ride on it, to make damn sure**. *which is what I did with my leeson. **which is what I didn't do with my leeson, and what I did with the zoot I'm riding now.
  13. Well, then you're doing the right thing for yourself! End of thread, that.
  14. Have you ridden a stock to confirm this?
  15. +65 looks more sensible... But +50-60, now you're talking!
  16. Haha, cool, good on him then lol. I guess that explains that response! There are indeed a few solutions that Luke could take, including setting up his bike better, investing in a longer mod frame, or investing in a stock, or a 24". My first suggestion was to try a stock and make sure he likes it first, which is still the best idea. Seeing as everyone is different, it could well be that he turns out to be one of the tall riders who uses a mod.
  17. You know, it wasn't a serious answer.
  18. Rubbish, Ali is right, that's why he's a champion and the rest of you aren't.
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