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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It works out as like 4 years But I reckon I play like someone who's played for two, lol.
  2. Grade 7 is good! I wish I could say I was grade 7
  3. That's a f**king good guitar. Mine turned out to be pretty cheap, but it's really really good value.
  4. This is why I've never got lessons. Just pick the guitar up
  5. They're particularly good for the younger rider because theyre cheap (even cheaper second hand), and the fact they've got a nice geo, that's not extreme, and it's not long so the smaller/youger rider can fit it better. Maybe if I had bought a later t-pro instead of my 2002 one, then I'd still be riding mod
  6. I used latex gloves with it once and it ate them.
  7. We know alu is anodizeable... will the same technique anodize alu too? I don't have any ti parts.
  8. Wow! That's pretty amazing. I wonder what parts you could do it with? Hopefully something bigger than just bolts.
  9. Good work, JD! http://www.last.fm/music/Sparta/_/Death+in+the+Family I can't find that on youtube. If you don't know sparta, then you should.
  10. Revolver

    Help Needed

    I have a rocket which is missing a prong, but it's still easier than a hammer and screwdriver.
  11. Well, maybe you're just having a stagnant period. Maybe you need to look for the inspiration more. I get these, where I can't be bothered to play the guitar so much, but it should pass. It's the singing that reminds me of sparta... it's you singing?
  12. Yeah, it's sad to find that it's not worked out. Hopefully think.pause.speak will have more luck.
  13. Cheers. It sorta reminds me of incubus, but also sparta and fall of troy, heh. I'm a fan, lol.
  14. This pocketrocket song is good. MOAR!
  15. If you mean the 120ep one, don't do it. It's too light to be strong. At the very least, no-one has bought one to test this, so it's still a risk.
  16. According to his post, his name is Matthew Vodka.
  17. You certainly do. Well, if you're getting it from Tarty If you're getting it second hand, you won't necessarily be able to choose between lengths.
  18. You're forgetting I've got an RG370DX with superdistortion pickup
  19. Do you mean, higher PSI tyres roll better/faster?
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