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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Give her a smack? It's cheap, and if she doesn't want it, you can at least say you tried.
  2. What sort of length is the first dude riding on? That seems about the length I'd be interested in.
  3. I really like the watching topics thing, but the watching forums tab gets in the way, as JT said. Also, the validation link is gone. I presume the old method of reporting for validation is still working, for the time being?
  4. Sliding, eh? I really want to try this. I'm not too much a fan of the idea of sliding with my hand down though.
  5. If I had a longboard, how would I go about stopping, when I'm riding it around?
  6. Anyone who doesn't ride a mod will pick ring, therefore skewing your results. Like me
  7. I'm going to predict the most popular answer, and say ZOO! Lynx.
  8. Some would say TOO fast...
  9. you need to put a / after the [ on the size after toast.

  10. A good TPA is useful, but you can do without. To get a good TPA, either - - get an 04 lever and use a bolt instead of the plastic thing - get an 05 lever and get a metal TPA - get an echo TR lever, and make sure it doesn't leak before installing it - get an RB lever or an 04 body and Fresh Products lever
  11. Soak it, ride down a hill (or just around) dragging the brake, then repeat. Mine didn't bed in fully straight away doing this, it got better and then went back to how it was, but now it works properly.
  12. It looks weird, but I'll get used to it. Finally, it's back!
  13. Not really, I finish work at half 10.
  14. I'M BACK! ...From work.
  15. Neither, don't buy anything from Trials-uk.
  16. I can't justify buying one. My bmx is more convenient. I'd like to have a go on one though, lol. See how far I can go before I end up on my ass.
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