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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. You obviously want to go to NTU.
  2. So nowt. The inspired frames have holes to run a pannier rack.
  3. I heard that the way the try-all freewheel is built to deal with skips, is to have so many engagement points that when it skips it barely makes a difference.
  4. Revolver


    Yeah... I liked the irony of the way those vietnamese dudes told the mexicans to go back to their own country. Not only that, but whilst using a f**king black american's accent and dialect. Load of shit, gang culture is. Notice how all gangs of people not black try to be black. What happened to honour and virtue? Another thing I despise to the core about people like that is the inability to give even the bare minimum level of respect to a fellow human being.
  5. BB7 end of thread. (except for all the people who quote this and go +1, which is stupid, use words, or for people who go 'hope mono trial' even though its more money and a BB7 is pretty much the best value disc brake.)
  6. Not a problem for me, I find that if I click a link with the scroll wheel/middle button, it forces it into a new window. It might be a firefox thing, but I think it works in IE and Chrome too.
  7. Revolver


    Just watched Gran Torino. It has a pretty sad ending.
  8. I woudln't mind checking out either of those spots. What's a batman? I remember there being a list of tartybikes names for particular tricks, that included batman and wodge, but I don't know where to look for it now
  9. Crazy stuff. What style of longboarding do you do most?
  10. Locate it. You've got to have it somewhere
  11. Y mate was meant to give me one of his skateboards for my birthday, around about when I was 16 or so. If he had, I probably would've been able to skate by now. Maybe I'll buy that lush board.
  12. I'm not sure one exists. You can do it manually though, find out the hardware's name and version, search it in google, or go on the manufacturer website and see if there's the driver there. There usually is.
  13. I've seen a few videos where people boneless in them, but I've seen a few where it looks like they just flex the board down, and then they jump and the flex pops the board up too... Am I seeing that right, or is there more of a trick to it?
  14. [quote name=Nick pyke ' date='08 February 2010 - 04:15 PM' timestamp='1265645221' post='2079116] So revolver.. What deck you talking about ? one like sams ? or that one on ebay ? it went for £30
  15. My friend has one that long that seems to be working, although the dude's in germany, so who knows.
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