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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I did it with a 5p, and two pennies. I then found a bolt that was the perfect fit and it works. But now I have a proper tool.
  2. So it pulls in all the way? Eurgh, I hate that It has to lock somewhere in the middle, so that there's room to pull it harder if need be. I find that having the lever pull all the way in makes less use of the power in your finger.
  3. For the uk, it's straight from Heatsink.
  4. Ooh, a triton 24" frame. 1050, 370, +50, 72*. Something like that.
  5. Absolutely. Pay more than me and it's yours
  6. A trials park would be great! Personally, I'd build it a bit further south though.
  7. It would all depend on how much you'd pay for it
  8. I am soooooooooo jealous of those labels on your pacakges. And the grips Nice bike, dude!
  9. You sure as hell don't do yourself any favours. http://images.google.com/alex-trials-boy Hey look, I googled your name and a picture came up!
  10. It looks pretty offensive. Good work, guys.
  11. These are V-brake arms? I think the difference is in the noodle thing, which is a small detail and something that shouldn't make too much of a difference.
  12. Both of this. Excellent shoe, get them.
  13. God knows. Thought about cutting a slot in the bolt and using a screwdriver to turn it out? You might find you can put a spanner onto the blade of the screw driver, which gives you more leverage.
  14. If you don't mind about weight so much, I recommend the shimano AM40 shoe, for sale here at CRC. It's fairly stiff, but I can honestly say it sticks to the pedal like nothing else. It transforms the grip, even on old pedals that are missing pins.
  15. I'd say so. The flatter edge goes on the outside.
  16. Revolver

    Mod Cravings

    Check the date on topics before you reply to them. FAQ hardly ever gets replied in...
  17. I had a short onza BB in a t-rex, too short so it caused the chainring to foul on the chainstay when properly tightened.
  18. The point is, he can probably avoid what has happened in the picture and avoid buying cranks by buying a longer BB. Get it? Here is the proof - Onza t-bird crankset - £40 Trialtech Race Square Taper BB, £12 So, if he's wanting the t-bird cranks, he must have a square taper BB already. So, he must have square taper cranks already. Therefore, if he spends £12 on a looooooooong BB that will cause his current cranks to clear the frame, he's avoided spending another £28 on cranks that might not necessarily solve the problem. I win.
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