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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Wat. It's a demon! I wonder if it ever fights with itself as to which way to go, or which head bites the food...
  2. Inspired prototype 26" Good work Ali, I'm looking forward to this video. Brakeless at shipley glen sounds pretty insane fun
  3. Just get a 128mm one, or 127.5 or something round there.
  4. Revolver

    Quick Help

    K, take the lever off under water, pump it until no air comes out, then reattach to the hose, then follow my instuctions in the video. PUMP IT REALLY HARD.
  5. If you make a limey 24", and it's something like 1050mm WB, +50 BB, 370 CS, 72 HA, then I'll have one off you instantly. The second they come through your door, in fact. The good thing is, it shouldn't really need testing, if it uses the same components as the limey 26" frame, then all the testing for strength for that applies to the 24" one. You could have some made and sold in next to no time. I've chosen that geometry because it's a little less extreme than that of the other two 24" trials frames available. That said, if you made it more like the because in geometry, I'd still have one because it would look nicer, and if you made it more like the zoot's geometry, then I'd have one, it would be less of a change to my current frame.
  6. OBM mentioned the existence of pictures of said comedy. Any chance of showing the public? Or showing me at least I won't show anyone else.
  7. Revolver

    Quick Help

    Take the piston out, oil the piston, oil the inside of the cylinder, put it back together.
  8. The first one is permanent. The second one may well cause lasting damage. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10561&category_id=21 £40.
  9. Well, Comedy, Maladie, there's a pattern. It would be better than calling it the Rockman Icicle, or the Rockman Tractor, or something.
  10. Haha, rockman comedy. Well, they do have some pretty weird names.
  11. You won't feel the difference in wheelbase if you get other forks.
  12. Higher is good too, it gives you more cockpit room, which is what you're looking for. A long frame feels longer because there's more cockpit room. Just increasing the wheelbase with forks won't really make the difference you're looking for. Either a new stem, or a new frame, sadly.
  13. Build it up with similarly aged parts, and then sell it complete maybe.
  15. It doesn't change the gear ratio, it does provide more leverage, which causes the effect of your gearing feeling lighter.
  16. The shit thing about the styx is they came with a 100mm BB shell, which is rubbish, there's barely any 100mm BBs.
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