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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. 1) CADB 2) It's regular but more complex than something like D. It would suit more music like I'd listen to. 3) I like to be able to pick out a regular beat. Dodgy beats like 7/8 are cool because it's more difficult to play, but it can take a bit of effort to listen to, lol. Something like that. 4) Sort of. 5) Alternative/Punk, as iTunes would call it.
  2. Who visits schools? That's why you get one of these kiddymotherf**kers -
  3. ETA on the Ali inspired video?
  4. Caustic soda is evil stuff... if you spill it on yourself, water won't cure it.
  5. Yeah, you are, thats why you wear dem jeans and I don't. Also, you frequently proclaim your love to other males, which is further proof.
  6. 18-14. I think. Mightbe 18-13...
  7. Skinny jeans are also known as faggot jeans, I'll have you know. Usually people kick off when I say this. Lets see what happens this time...
  8. Marzocchi and Fox are also related companies... I have a set of rockshox recon, I picked em up for £130. Excellent for the money, but really really soft.
  9. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148185&view=findpost&p=2082070 Pair of pike forks there, get em.
  10. You can do it with all Xbox 360 games. Just make sure there's space on the hard drive. You need the disc to play the game, but it doesn't need to read all of it, so often you can get away with a dud disc. You can EVEN save someone else's copy of the game and use your disc to start it up, as far as I know. So providing it doesn't just say 'this disc is shite' as soon as you put it in, you can get round it. Try it anyway.
  11. The disc had a heavy scratch round the edge. Save it to the hard drive, yes. It's in the Game Library thing, select the game in there, then look for install to hard drive.
  12. I want one, but not if this guy gets one.
  13. I'm not going to go. I had a couple of hops on my bike just now, and it feels like it's pretty close to healed, and I don't want to undo it. Sorry guys
  14. Look in for sale for prices that the parts go for...
  15. I managed to clean heavy scrapes from moving the xbox around with the disc in almost perfectly. All is not lost though, try saving the game to the hard drive, this can sometimes get around a dodgy part of the disc, and is how I've got away with my knackered copy of mirror's edge.
  16. It would, however, increase its resale value to sellable.
  17. I seem to remember reading this on the cover of the DAILY MAIL.
  18. Good lad! How's the rear tyre? I might get one of those. Also, stealth.
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