Yeah, that was well put together, your riding style came across, and it pretty much showed trials as it is nowadays. It was cool to hear the interview too, find out more about you - you're one of the riders who I always look out for new videos from.
Chains and sprockets wear together. Putting a new chain on old sprockets can cause skipping purely because it's not worn to the sprockets. It should stop after a while, but the alternative is to get a new front and rear sprocket.
Excercise it, and drink more calcium, lol. Calcium ions are responsible for your muscles working, and cramp is when they struggle to release and allow you to contract them. Thus, calcium is good for your muscles.
They really are going cheap. I'm sure they'd be happy for the custom. They're legendary frames, really. if you thjink about how many people have got started because of them. Really strong too.
I dunno the prices, I could guess but I don't want to say something too low or high and put either one of you off.
I've got a new 24" frame... I'll post it up when I take sone pictures!
I've also got a ciguena as a street frame, I might build it up, and I'll put it here too if I do.
You want a T-rex? Get one! Phone supercycles up, and ask them how myuch you can get one for, they've got them brand new in their boxes still. You could get one for pretty damn cheap.
Well, for me, it's pretty damn rare as it is for someone to say 'Where's your seat?'... so the chances of anyone saying anything more are slim. Maybe cause I don't ride around the general public, lol. Always at night or at bunny.