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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Lol, why do people care what SMs get up to? Barely anything that goes on in SM chat filters into the normal forum, so for most purposes it doesn't exist.
  2. I used a trialtech stem on mine, it was peeeeerfect.
  3. Make more posts. Good ones, preferably.
  4. I liked the editing, quite. When you ride the mod, you heave the bike through the air. HOOOOAAARRGH!
  5. You, my friend, know where it's at.
  6. Wow, cool... I would've thought you'd need a steam box to bend the wood properly. Good job!
  7. Then again, a gun is pretty powerful, especially one on a ship, so it might still destroy round-cornered rectangle holes.
  8. I've heard things about your creativity for lines. You need more videos!
  9. A D30 helmet would be good, one with a combination of polystyrene and D30. Although, if you had a D30 helmet, it wouldn't need to be replaced in the event of a hard crash.
  10. I watched a demo video for a D30 hat, and a guy let another dude wallop him on the head with a spade, and it didn't hurt him. However, a helmet's much more reassuring, and less likely to fall off.
  11. It is, and good choice.
  12. Revolver


    So 12 days ago he got the caelifera frame... wasn't it meant to be in england by now?
  13. Yeah, but if I was sending them to, say, 14 year old me, there isn't a cat in hell's chance of me affording them otherwise I mainly sent back the expensive parts, lol.
  14. No Also, take a proper picture, not a thumbnail.
  15. A HS33 A because 24" frame, lol Set of middleburn cranks.
  16. I think it's tough. Corvette stingray on one hand, GT on the other.
  17. Exactly the same as an inspired minus 5mm on the chainstay.
  18. Dang, looks like I qualify again. Bed time.
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