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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Several people have had flanges detach from their hub bodies.
  2. Profiles break under trials use, and their quality control doesn't seem great. A 204 ep hub is going to eat itself.
  3. If the brakes are still on, you just end up grabbing them anyway. Brakeless fully immerses you in a different style of riding.
  4. What's with the Adamant A1? Is it a new run or did you come across some new old ones?
  5. Because the Conservatives are fags and they caused the last recession, and the Lib Debs have no experience, and the rest are virtually guaranteed not to win.
  6. It might be 18-14, I can't remember.
  7. I use 18-15 I think. It works good for trials trials.
  8. Seeing as that's true, if I get a job making adverts, I fully intent to put massive typos in there for all the grammar nazis to get annoyed about.
  9. It was definately cool.
  10. Why did you post it then maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan?
  11. Revolver


    The snow should f**k off. Snow is fine in december and january - the months you might have off from work or education. It's ok as a quick surprise in summer too, mix things up a little bit, but otherwise GTFO SNOW!
  12. And there was 90's game show hosts, which tomturd is still representing.
  13. Yeah, figuring out what the theme is is fun. There was the one where there was george bush, and gordon brown, and osama bin laden. So it could've been world leaders or forces of evil, or something like that. Although usually it's pretty obvious, such as the fish one.
  14. Veggie pads are good, they're especially good for keeping your legs warm. They protect against shindigs, but not against the old knee-stem, seeing as they're shin pads. You could get knee pads as well, I suppose, but the number one trick to preventing shindigs is to get really grippy shoes.
  15. Link no workie! Although, tartybikes indoor trials course is pretty damn cool.
  16. There is, it's called lacquer. You'll probably use car paint, which will probably be from halfords, so you can get some there. Primer is ideal from bare metal.
  17. I think it's just 2.7 ones now. I might check out a holy roller when my new high roller wears out.
  19. Looks k, clean build. Tell us how you get on with it down some sick trails.
  20. So? Members could have avatar themes, but we don't... Some of the blurred out topics include topics that have been kept for legal reasons but are closed. There was one such example regarding a website, but I can't remember any more.
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