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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. 7314, I whooped your ass. http://www.geoguessr.com?v=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
  2. 'Hey, that's a cool phone, what is it, a samsung?' 'It's a youpu.'
  3. I hope that's a typo and you meant £1000, because that's bang on.
  4. New backbox on the car, original grille and alloys on. If anyone wants to buy a 2000 Astra 1.8 16v, I'm your man.
  5. Bunch of pillocks, this is how it's done. The left hand makes an L shape. The other one must be the right hand.
  6. You can start by turning the internet off at the router. Remove all obstacles to concentration! Rewards work too. So does taking a break every 20 mins. The trick is to break stuff down into smaller pieces. Like the kitkat.
  7. Fair point. It's a shame to bust all that money on building stuff for one video and have that go in the bin too.
  8. Maybe re-purposing it would be enough to save it from demolition.
  9. I wonder if Red Bull can open that place up to the public when it's done. I'd be tempted to go up there and ride it if they did.
  10. Are they welded on that corner too?
  11. Yeah that was great! I guess he realised that having all the philosophical talk in his videos was alienating him from us riders.
  12. I wonder how those are made, with their square shape.
  13. No problem, buddy. There's nothing like starting something new! Everything's an adventure and a challenge.
  14. Phases are great for a first bike so hopefully it won't go. Otherwise you can look out for Onza or Echo bikes on ebay. You might find a nice Zoo Piranha, for example.
  15. Three of us. I won't be around next Sunday though.
  16. If it's got vee mounts, stick with vee brakes, you can get a solid setup with them, and you can get good pads. Sounds like it has maguras already though. Normally on phase bikes the first thing to go is the gears, which is done, and then the rear hub, which you'd want to swap out for a hope pro II. You could change the stem and bars to ones that suit you better, do this after you've ridden it and got a feel for it, and where it could be improved.
  17. A phase is good, there's some bits that you ought to change soonish if it's standard spec but if it's second hand it might have been done for you.
  18. Up to my knees in f**king cowpat is funny.
  19. If it lines up alright and it's not causing rubbing or the bearings to feel rough it should be ok, so, we're all safe.
  20. We're all going to die/ Actually, it looks like that end cap is on the wrong way round.
  21. Looking at pictures they're more or less the same cross-section. The difference must be in eyelets or how it's joined together. And if it's not, it'll be the metal, which is a good reason to spend extra money.
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