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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Team f**kING GREEEEEEEEEN. Ahem.
  2. Hehehe, Yorkshire, yeah. Reason - came from where, want to move back there. The countryside is proper, the locals talk in a proper accent, there's sweet street and natural riding spots, places to longboard. Beats the shit out of the rest of England
  3. Levelboss frame, eh?

  4. It's a saturday... I'm at work!
  5. I guess I just want to give en example of how to deal with posting stuff. Nothing I've done so far has been a particular drain on my time, money or effort. It just goes to increase the confidence in the recipient in recieving their stuff. Edit: I've been informed the parcel's arrived now. All done!
  6. The address at the top is the address of the post office. His address consists of a number and a post code, but it's out of focus. I'll edit it out anyway.
  7. Spose, but with regard to that last post, that's just the way I handle posting stuff. If I've got that reciept, and the recipient knows it, it's absolute proof that I'm not ripping anyone off. Now I've posted it, I'm out of the equation, on the slim chance it doesn't show up now, it's Royal Mail's fault and not mine So yeah, that's me done with this topic now.
  8. Just make them without altogether, lol. Think most people use a ring nowadays.
  9. People in other countries have them the other way around, just like they drive on the wrong side of the road.
  10. Is it on the wrong way round? lol
  11. You should so license that off to Muji.
  12. Posted it now, cost £6 summat, special delivery.
  13. The mighty Mos' Def, It's simple mathematics, Check it out!
  14. Free bars, yeah, but the way I figured, sooner or later Nickkkkk would've realised his mistake, which would put me in the shit, meanwhile, peggysue is going out of his mind with frustration. Much easier. Besides, I've got this stem already, and I'm happy with my bars
  15. I'm only really doing it for more rep points, but it's not worked On topic, I'm going to post the parcel to peggysue, gonna take it down to the post office tomorrow.
  16. Machine. Also, look at how this topic is chock full of members.
  17. But why make it difficult to show someone your bike, when the whole point is, to show us your bike. Also, fine size can be shrunk using paint, sometimes simply by opening and saving them without doing anything. Also, upload them to imageshack or some other shite and it'll work. Also, newfags can't image post.
  18. If you can change the axle, and you know it will work, then do it.
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