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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I know a guy who has a rockman freewheel, and all it does is skip.
  2. Yeah, I wasn't me driving though. Haha, yeah!
  3. Pretty cool, but you still can't sell through NMC.
  4. Haa, I recognised you! You and Rowan passed us on the motorway, haha.
  5. Revolver

    Dj Bike

    Second hand? Psylo forks, haha, those aren't new Most of that will do until you break it, really.
  6. Revolver

    Dj Bike

    Backwards, really. What do you have? What do you want to know? Get all parts from www.chainreactioncycles.com.
  7. Actually, sadly it's something that other people decide you are and not yourself.
  8. This. The reasoning behind it is things like - the gear ratio comes quite stiff, the handlebars are a little narrow, the forks come with... 26" rim brake mounts... and it comes with ISCG mounts, which is a bit odd on a trials frame. Plus, the zoot is cheaper!
  9. Enjoyed that, cool to meet some of the people on here in real life, lol. Definitely going back to portsmouth later on... try and get to spice island when there isn't a flock of people sitting on it. Also, burnt.
  10. Revolver


    It depends on whose, and also how much you spend. If you spend say, below £300 you'll get a shite bike, for the same price you can get a pretty good one second hand. WeThePeople's completes have always been pretty good.
  11. Single best thing you can do is just to hold your tongue and move on.
  12. Revolver

    The Lost Thread

    No doubt they'll figure out how to make a spin-off. 'Lost - what could've happened'.
  13. Especially if you're not used to massive rides.
  14. Lol yeah. The hard work of getting shots thatlook good is done, just stick them together and it'll still look great!
  15. Revolver


    For a light, sick frame, maybe see if you can get a colony endeavour or sect. For cranks, my preference is hollowbites.
  16. No, that'll just result in a shit grind.
  17. Revolver

    Portal - Free

    You probably need to make a portal high up, and one on the floor, go through, and fire just before you hit the floor so you gather more momentum, and fly over the gap. That's usually the trick.
  18. I doubt they're avaliable seperately. I wonder if manuel on here knows more though, seeing as he's part of the team. Maybe you could make one out of sheet alu?
  19. Just leave the grind, they go dull after a while, which is as good as smooth. Depends on the state of the grind at the moment though.
  20. The smiley in this case behaves as a full stop. Now, as for your post...
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