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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Heh, typical that people will only think about it seriously when pros are doing it I've been doing it since nearly the beginning of my riding career, so to speak. 24 for life, ha.
  2. Revolver


  3. Yeah, but then you have to retension it, which isn't an option when you've built the wheel to sell it to someone...
  4. I think the trick to building wheels that don't come apart after a while is to release the torsion on the spokes. Obviously, when you tighten spokes they twist as well, but if you leave them like that when you use the wheel and it flexes the spokes straighten and the nipples loosen as a result. I've built three wheels, and the first one came undone because I didn't let off the torsion. Going back half a turn for each whole turn does the trick, or flexing the wheel also works, I think.
  5. Ha, when he goes to gap from the back wheel, he's got such control you can forget that he's brakeless. Cool video!
  6. Revolver

    Echo Tr Pads

    It's cool, but I've seen many a forum where quotes stack and you end up with these massive retarded boxes all over the place.
  7. Interesting. Pay £25-50 for a blog site based in wordpress, or go to wordpress and get one for free? I guess I'm missing soething out here, but a quick skim read led me to that conclusion.
  8. Revolver

    Echo Tr Pads

    Woah, quotes in quotes! This forum's going to get messy. Hmm, it doesn't happen when I try it. Which is good.
  9. Er.. it's a minor detail, nothing to worry about...
  10. Well, aside from the fact it's not screwed on, it seems fine. Post a video, this clearly isn't working. Hmm, so when you pedal forwards the sprocket unscrews?
  11. Make one... use your red one as a basis for a fibreglass mould, make a fibreglass one.. turn it white... Well, that'd work but it'd take a long time.
  12. I've got the middle spring, they're still too soft, lol. I need the extra hard spring really.
  13. I wonder why the full suss one is less than the hard tail one? You could always get the limited edition hard tail - http://www.boardmanbikes.com/mtbht/ht_LTD.html I have some recon forks, albeit the spring ones, and they are VERY SOFT.
  14. No, it just makes you look stupid. Sorry buddy
  15. Speaking of your sig, what the hell is a 'pre-potion'?
  16. Cool, you can do that spinny up to front thing.
  17. Well, the crimson chin is still at large, and you, so when they get round to banning you two it'll be a start.
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