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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Hi, I made that video, I know things about these brakes and how they perform with water. You may as well not water bleed your brake if it's in warranty, but a lot of people don't mind and do it anyway. Common misconception is there is shit in a brake that will rust. It's not true, mine works fine water bled, all of mine have. Some people's levers develop a stiff master cylinder. This is rectified by pulling it out and lubricating it underneath that seal. Some people never have this happen to them either. Also, if you use antifreeze in there, it also won't destroy the seals. Otherwise my brake would be completely knackered. Water bleed if you like, it's good because it's free, it's easy, it won't kill your brake, and it can produce a quicker lever feel.
  2. I briefly used a 3.0 tyre on my 24" bike. It was different. It was f**king close as well.
  3. Yeah, but it'll still take ages to undo each one from each other, lol. I spose that's as fast as you'll get it though. Use a drill and it'll be ok.
  4. The frame looks cool, I guess it's an inspired mkII proto, it looks different from the first one anyway. The colours aren't cool though.
  5. Crates? Or pallets? Pallets are flat, crates are boxes... pallets are a bit more useful because you can lay them down diagonally and stack them for height. Anyway, you can make loads of shit with 6. Drop/up gap... 2 stack and 3 stack to learn to gap to front on if you can't already... Nailing them together would stop them from sliding around, but you'd have to pull them apart to change it, which wouldn't be so easy. There's got to be a way to have both.
  6. Don't be sad about losing noise, so long as they still hold and bite, that's good.
  7. Could do, depends on actually how much of a dick she's being. Certainly leave her to her own devices for a while, see what excuses she comes up with, ha.
  8. I am so going to Leeds this summer to ride.
  9. Carbon spokes?! Magnesium forks?! Carbon rotors has been done though.
  10. Heh, yeah =/ I would've thought it would be a tight fit. I'd've never thought it could swell though. You learn something new every day!
  11. I've used Adobe Premiere pro, that does HD. It's not free, or at least, it's not meant to be.
  12. Cram it in, cram it in harder.
  13. Do You Like Moustaches? - No. Do You Like the track? -No.
  14. Christ, it doesn't look deep, although I guess it must be.
  15. It didn't work?! This is a flawless technique, you must've done something wrong Perhaps even accidentally letting water out without realising it, when you were doing up the bolts. Make sure to only have one hole uncovered at once. Having the pads on under water makes no difference to the quality of the bleed. You can bleed a brake with a syringe, and hosing, but you also need a barbed fitting so you can attach it to the slave cylinder bleed hole. You might be able to use part of an old crossover, though, but you need a syringe that actually fits it.
  16. There's a couple of repeated ones as well... Cool nontheless, lol.
  17. 1 - I've never had a mech that's limiting screws were long enough to hold it all the way against it's springs. Possibly because I've never had expensive mechs, but otherwise Fair point though if the mech allows it. 2 - Lol, reassuring quality eh?
  18. Well, we've already covered looking at the gear hanger to see if it's f**ked... so what to do when the gears don't work after the hanger is sorted...? And gears are pretty fiddly, firstly when you don't understand them, and secondly when you have to hold the derallieur, pull the cable tight AND do up the bolt at the same time. Weird how it'd come with a screw on cassette-freewheel, not many people make them, they're usually dirt cheap which is another way of saying shite. And to put it on a trials bike where you need a good drivetrain... Your move
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