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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver


    I had one on my foot that was big, I got so annoyed with it I sanded it and it went black and f**ked off. Ha, I've got two on my fingers now that are really small, I might try this stuff.
  2. If you want to make your bike pull up easier without buying anything new, tilting the bars back can make quite a difference.
  3. That's because there's no .jpg or .png or whichever you've used, and it's getting confused. Make sure the image url ends in .jpg and it should work.
  4. Sure you can. If a person doesn't steal anything until they're 14, doesn't make them mostly not a thief.
  5. Just use hot water and a stiff brush. Better dry steel parts as well.
  6. Mark previously mentioned that after releasing this video, he'd make one of himself! GET IT DONE!
  7. I can't see why not. When it's wet, it'll lubricate so they slide on, then it'll set, quickly, and they'll be stuck.
  8. Validation smiles upon people who take the extra effort (very little of it) to use capital letters and correct punctuation where applicable.
  9. Similar to checking if the door's locked, I also check before I leave and often mid journey to see if I have the Key Three items in my pockets. Wallet-Phone-Keys is the mantra, repeated whilst tapping the items in my pockets, although I generally tap my phone and wallet whilst calling them the other. Phone and wallet go in my left pocket, keys in my right pocket. I don't like to not be able to feel my keys, part of the reason my full bunch of keys is fairly sizeable.
  10. I've got one of these, they ride very well.
  11. Tell you what I DID do to save weight, I never got any in the first place. Weight weenie til' I die.
  12. I do that, but I don't always do it, but it's annoying when I remember and am trying to ignore it. It's also annoying to remember things such as making my ears ring, manual breathing and the game.
  13. It wasn't me. Sorry, I meant It wasn't me.
  14. What was the name of that massive truck thing they showed us? It made a humvee look like a rollerskate.
  15. I am one of those people who likes to lay things out perfectly spaced out and in line with other things, if only occasionally. I used to be able to overlook mess but recently I went the whole hog with it... and my room is noticeably tidy, even if it isn't perfect. I might add that my actual OCD seems to be checking to see if I locked the door.
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