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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver


    It sounds like the perfect time to follow up with a sentence that ends with tastes just like raisins. Killed it? I hope so.
  2. Wouldn't it be interesting to see Danny Mac himself get swept up into the 'It's BMX not trials' argument? Poor guy, I bet he's been back on, looked at the shit in this thread and thought 'On second thought, I think I'll leave it.'.
  3. HS33 czar mod frames seem to be f**king rare.
  4. Revolver


    I see which parent you got your brains from... Sorry, I couldn't help it.
  5. Puns, particularly bike or computer ones, are absolutely disgraceful. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  6. http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&&sa=X&ei=PPc6TNe4IYTGlQes39XVBw&ved=0CBkQvwUoAQ&q=marino+bike&fp=28785fe5028276f3
  7. Better take something you can bolt it to with you too.
  8. Although BMXs are really short and tall people can ride those, meaning it's just preference.
  9. Of course, put the bike in the shower.
  10. Revolver

    Tf Nostalgia

    Post a picture of your BOXX.
  11. I think like that, but it's sort of the wrong way to go about it, it's better to spend more time for the practice.
  12. Not at all. The bit with the vocals, it doesn't sound right, like it clashes.
  13. Revolver


    Yes, I definitely agree.
  14. Resize them. Upload them. Post them using img tags.
  15. Bangin choon brav, innit!
  16. Revolver


    What's with the intense use of fonts?
  17. Revolver


    All except for, this film will (does) have sick effects, whereas effects in those days were godawful.
  18. You can click it and find out what it was for.
  19. Revolver


    I really want to see it. A dude has the ability to get into other people's dreams. This makes him very valuable alive because he can get into dreams and learn people's secrets through them, thus giving anyone who knows the secrets an edge. It also makes him valuable dead because he can get into dreams and learn people's secrets through them, thus people want to kill him so he can't do it. One time, a dude offers him the chance to have an ordinary life, providing he completes a task. The task is what they call inception, where rather than reading someone's secrets in the dream, he plants something in there instead.
  20. Yeah, it's in settings and then sounds It's pretty annoying, I've not turned mine off yet but I might. You can also get rid of the stupid box that shows up too, I think.
  21. If only you could DIY a decent looking couch
  22. Revolver


    I did it loads, I think it was the heat that killed it.
  23. I'm pretty sure you can turn off the stupid updated announcement. Does anyone else think the lass sounds really stupid?
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