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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. 18t freewheel on the front, 12t sprocket on the back for mod.
  2. There are virtually none in 16t. Trials ones, that is, which are going to be stronger and more reliable.
  3. Say f**k THIS ADAM GUY, GO OUT WITH ME. You god damn make sure you say it in all caps too.
  4. Well, I ride BMX and I have a seat on that. My trials bike has no seat.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. modifiedridah2k9


      1 Person has a seat, one person doesnt, one person has no wheels, and i have no BMX at all, so i have no wheels,bars,brakes,seat stem etc. Am i different? :L

    3. Dwarf Shortage

      Dwarf Shortage

      Mine's missing an inner tube, brakes and a grip, do I win? :D

      It's also available, for free, here http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=154014&pid=2158856&st=0&#entry2158856

    4. eskimo
  5. I thought as much. I wikipedia'd NEC, it's the biggest exhibition place in the UK... it's big, so more people can have more stands... more people can get in there to see it, it's in the middle of the country so it's technically more accessible. Apparently all that doesn't matter. Cocks.
  6. Stupid Earl's Court... We used to go to the car show at the NEC when I was a kid, it was awesome. We went twice I think, one time they had this concept AA car with a built in car tow rack, and one time they had that weird slug car that had a mystery 'slug drive' that wasn't wheels. You'd go and come back loaded with brochures and bags chock full of pens and those weird fluffy things with feet, eyes and a ribbon. Anyway they moved that to Earl's Court which is far too far away from Keighley where I used to live then. It's got to be some massive building if it can compete with the NEC...
  7. http://www.google.co.uk/images?um=1&hl=en&q=camcorder%20depth%20of%20field%20adaptor&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi Look at the size of them!
  8. Revolver


    That disc protector thing looks interesting...
  9. And that's why we love you. I ride BMX on my own all the time. Just now, even. Trials, I nearly always rode in groups, there'd usually be 4 of us.
  10. Email the shops to see if they come with everything...?
  11. What I've heard is that good depth of field isn't something that features on many camcorders, and to get a camcorder that does it costs quite a lot. The reason videos like the Tarty guys and TRA have depth of field is because they're using DSLRs with video capabilities, and DSLR lenses are great for depth of field tricks. Sorry I can't actually help though
  12. Cheers For future reference, it's vimeo in square brackets, then the video number, then /vimeo in square brackets.
  13. Vimeo Video -> Original Video Now in return, tell me who the song is by.
  14. It is not normal to do that. It's normal to run no brakes or one long cable.
  15. Do wear rubber gloves. Do paint it on fairly thickly, and leave it for a while, 10 mins. Depending on the paint it can just literally peeeeel off and you just wipe it down. Do not touch the stuff. Do wash it off straight away. You'll know when it's on you. Not immediately, though. I might add, latex gloves can be disintegrated by it, so those won't do.
  16. It's called a freecoaster. KHE make one that's 10mm axle and 135mm spacing with a disc mount. Mods have 10mm axle and 116mm spacing, I dunno if they make one in that configuration. Key point here - Freecoasters, when you use them, don't engage like a pawls hub. They seem to ease together. It makes them pretty useless for trials. I also think the shock loading won't be good for them. You can use one on a street bike or BMX where rapid engagement isn't necessary. Other than that, just learn to pedal backwards...
  17. It means it is a worse tyre than the one you have.
  18. The thing with skaters for me is that, I only really see them at the skate park (fancy that!) and they NEVER seem to be able to actually land tricks.
  19. It sounds like my old handsomedog frame.
  20. Nyeeeh, I'm 6 foot and I can ride my BMX fine. ...Unless I try lots of manuals in which case it hurts my back.
  21. The true nature of the angry thread and the happy thread is that one must look inside oneself to see which thread their experience is most relevant to, and in doing so, one can achieve enlightenment.
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