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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It's true there are other levers, 11, 22, 33, 44, 77, but I don't think 11 is a different piston size. 22 is, I used to have one of those lol. It wasn't different enough to not work though.
  2. We don't seem to get on very well, but dude, I feel your pain.
  3. Aaah, hold your horses. When you helicoil brake mounts, you first tap them from m5 to m6. So, if you don't want to drill the clamps out, you can helicoil them.
  4. What? It's still going? I genuinely forgot all about it.
  5. won a level 1 game of chess against the computer.

    1. angua


      you must feel proud :)

    2. Revolver


      I do, I'm not usually one for thinking so much in advance. :D

    3. anzo


      Screen shot or it didn't happen.

  6. Twitter seems to have brought on this need for those url shortening urls. Why? Why not have it like in trials forum where you can set the url and set the text you click on?
  7. That was toss. Well, toss as in, not what I expect from them. Hybrid Theory is their best album. Reanimation Meteora. They didn't do any other albums.
  8. Water bleed! The bad parts = You void your warranty. Your brake might freeze in the winter. The good parts = It's free. It's easy. It's water, so you can in theory do it anywhere, even in a fountain. It makes brakes respond quicker.
  9. Isn't that BASE jumping?
  10. Revolver

    New Hs33 Brake

    Is it not split clamp?
  11. I've got it, it's good, I can send it to Sku if he likes.
  12. 404 sense of humour not found. It seems a popular setup is Adaware, Avast or AVG, and Zonealarm to protect your computer. However, if your computer is already riddled with viruses and is now knackered, do what Muel says.
  13. Cool... does that mean if you strapped pedals to your feet you could walk the whole section? World champ here I come!
  14. I have facebook. Explain to my why I would want twitter as well and I might sign up. Or not, but still, explain.
  16. What's the difference between an egg and a wank? You can beat an egg.
  17. Revolver


    The other way around, 18t front, 12t rear.
  18. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you if you did this.
  19. 80mm would be fine, see if you can lower them.
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