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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It's a line6 spider II. When I say it specialises in tinny treble, it's not that it doesn't do bass and mid nicely, it's just that when you turn the treble knob, it just ups this horrible frequency, I can't see why they didn't set it to up a wider range, or lower down. also, interestingly, I prefer the sound of my guitar when it's going through my PC speakers than its own speaker, lol.
  2. I usually use high mids, medium bass and lowish treble, I can't stand tinny treble, which my amp specialises in. Max gain, of course, but this is a 30w amp, and I don't need it to be much more than 1/4 on the master volume thingy. The car speakers are aftermarket ones so they should be decent. I reckon what'll happen is the power will be shared through the speakers, so the more of them I use the more volume I need, and the more chance it might break. I've got some 6x9 speakers which I think might be cool, but the risk is mounting speakers that are too small. I have a set of speakers with a component box and I believe this is used to send high frequencies to one speaker and low to another.. and the amp won't have this so if I put small ones on they might pop with too much bass. Still... I do want to try. If only I had a shit amp I could cut up and mess with...
  3. I just wonder how it would sound with the current speaker, AND a couple of others. If it's going to break them it's no good though.
  4. Bump.. I'm scrapping my car, I've just taken the speakers out of it. My question is, what would happen if I hooked the car speakers up to my amp?
  5. I used to lol at the fact that Nick Pyke was sucker enough to hook his facebook up to his TF, and so his facebook statuses would appear on here.
  6. I should think koxx are quite secretive about their protos, because they're one of the top dogs and don't want to give away secrets to other companies.

  8. It's been got rid of, there's nothing you can do.
  9. Not really. I... download.. my music, so I don't get adverts. Music that I like I keep, if I really like it I'll go and buy a hard copy of it, which reminds me, I've got a couple I need to get.
  10. Last night I dreamt I could 360 really well on my bmx. It felt weird though, like a 180, then a separate whip round to complete it. Maybe I ought to go out and try it...
  11. I don't have spotify I win.
  12. Did you know the ratchet ring on the inside is glued in? It certainly used to be.
  13. Can you see the double - buttons at the right, where you'd click to minimise that box? I wonder if anyone else gets this.
  14. It sounds like it's happened one too many times. Which means, the slot in the crank has worn down, and the only proper fix is to get new cranks.
  15. Did you clean out the inside of the cylinder too? I think you can sand down the seal, but I'd be very careful, else it'll just leak.
  16. Maybe you'd want to know if it was a video you've seen and don't recognise, or maybe you want to avoid TGS gay videos. Cheers!
  17. That black thing's the mech hanger, onto which you mount the tensioner. If you don't mind the weight and want to save money, get hold of a cheap, shite derallieur and lock it out using the limiting screws, and by using a spoke where the cable would usually go. OR, make a spoke tensioner Your hub is decent for an ordinary bike, but it's not up to trials standards. Rather than worrying about swapping hubs over, see if you can find a second hand pro II wheel for sale on here, then you can keep that wheel as a spare. It also saves you building it... and you're more likely to find a full wheel than a hub on its own. Brake-wise, get some good pads, a good lever and a decent cable. A regrind would be for the best, if the pads are up to it. A decent lever would be one such as an Avid - http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10091&category_id=71 or a Shimano - http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=39002
  18. Magura. I don't think anyone will recommend the echo one, which is your only alternative. Now if you're talking about the 2010 maguras, the HS11 has all the features you need, so get one of those.
  19. It's something like 1065mm long, 375cs, 50+bb, and 72ha.
  20. Good work! Will the WIKI link at the top ever come back? I wonder if you could arrange so that when you mouse over the video thumbnails on the main page, it comes up with a tooltip with the video title?
  21. On Adobe Premiere, it's pretty straight forward. It's a real shame you cant figure out how to get programs like that.
  22. You've got rid of statuses, now get rid of the 'watched forums' tab in that box! Go on...
  23. That's because they're fairies. I can lift SIX.
  24. You can use a ring for the same thing, though.
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