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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. The most complicated it gets is, how near it can get shot from, how many times, how long for, and what sort of bullets. Obviously someone caning a whole clip of 50 cal rounds from the barrett sniper rifle point blank, will probably kill you even in a bullet proof vest.
  2. The BB height shouldn't be judged with the same yardstick as on a stock. +35 is quite low. If you want a street bike feel, a good stem is something like 100mm and 10 deg rise, and then to go with it, some massive rise bars. Something like that. The onza PZ31 stem is a good choice, I think.
  3. No doubt they've just kept quiet about it. There's no more 'new products from Onza' thread either so there's nowhere to post news. It'll turn up next year, probably.
  4. I would concentrate on buying a complete bike for cheap rather than a custom frame. If you don't know enough about frame geometry you could end up with something not very nice. Plus, if you buy acheap bike, like a t-pro, you can decide what you don't like and base it on that frame, changing what you think is necessary.
  5. Is it.... ...CLS designing a frame with onza? That will be the same geo as the everyone's favourite python?
  6. Revolver


    It used to be forks for me, but I swapped them out so now it's nothing.
  7. Really there's only so high you need a bottom bracket, because you can change the feel of the frame just by changing the stem height. 80 would make sense to be as far as you need to go with bb height. Maybe even 70.
  8. There was a thread by this dude who works for hope, with PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE of a 116mm spaced screw on hope hub. Unfortunately, that's the last we heard of it. For some reason, they want to develop bike lights, rather than fulfil advance orders of something like a 116mm pro II trials which could be has been made from a 135mm one.
  9. They thought about it, but they need a new mould which would be too expensive.
  10. Haha, have you seen the parkour competition video on youtube? It's nothing like parkour.
  11. Those are the only brake mounts it's possible to strip without being a ham-fisted troll.
  12. I bought the shimano AM40 shoes.. they were maybe £60 or £70, the grip on the pedals from them is phenomenal, and they've lasted a good 6 months or more so far, looks like I'll get another 6 months at least, maybe a year.
  13. I think there were cows, lol. The last time I had the falling dream I was like 9 and I dreamt I fell out of a rollercoaster. I always end up lying on my front thoug when I had it. I've often thought, if I can get to sleep lying on my front, maybe I'll have the falling dream, but it feels so weird, and there's nowhere to put your head so you can breathe. You can't lie on your throat...
  14. You must be used to them I've had 2 or 3 falling dreams. I have, however, had a few dreams where everything seems to have dropped off a cliff edge, and it's so high it's like everything's floating, and you can just see other floating shit that's fallen off, like cows, lorries, cars, stuff like that. I haven't had that dream since I was a kid though. I think it has something to do with living in hilly yorkshire where there's loads of drops at the edge of the road, something like that.
  15. This sounds funny. I'd ask you to video it for lols, but then people will probably hunt you down for animal cruelty. And then make a video of a guy in a possum suit hitting you with a broom.
  16. Cool... I'll have to see whether anywhere around here has one in so I can try it. Valve amps seem to be quite expensive though... I guess it's something I can blow my student loan on though
  17. Yeah, I've thought about getting a new amp, a bit. It would be sweet if Mesa/Boogie amps were affordable. When I look on google shopping, their combos are £1000+, which is a bit out of my price range. I was thinking about buying something like a marshall, one with valves, but the other thing is, I'm no band player, I just plug it in and have a twang, so I don't need 100w or more. I don't really even need 30... I'd rather modify the amp with stuff I've got already, or to buy a whole new one than buy different speakers.
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