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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I'm issuing a challenge to anyone, to make a railgun sort of thing.
  2. Fool, no-one asked you. I mean disarming the snake, rather than curing the hand.
  3. Can't you get an operation to remove the poison?
  4. 6 gears is ok. I did actually use the normal shaped kool chain with 8 speeds, or tried to, and it's a bit thick for that. 6 speed should be ok though.
  5. Maybe meet outside the front of NTU, around 12 or 1. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=NTU&sll=52.956048,-1.152083&sspn=0.000578,0.002253&ie=UTF8&t=h&split=1&rq=1&ev=zi&radius=0.06&hq=NTU&hnear=&ll=52.956217,-1.151667&spn=0.000578,0.002253&z=20
  6. This is barely any help, but I seem to recall Damon W getting two frames from marino once, one of which was in a clear-red finish. So maybe marino could help you out there?
  7. Revolver

    New Hs33 Brake

    It totally doesn't work like that if they still allow them to be sold as new. Good plan, magura!
  8. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10957&category_id=89 I've got this. It's out of your budget. PRO TIP for buying helmets - go to a local bike shop, say 'I'm looking for a helmet, I've got £45 to spend, can I try some on?' Then try some on, and pick the one you like the fit of best.
  9. My speakers used to do this thing where every so often when I played music, it would slow down and become choppy, briefly. Now, a short term fix for this was to disable my USB wireless device, because for some unknown reason, that was causing this issue. It's worth noting though that I don't think it happened on ths new, sick computer, complete with soundblaster card, and that it's definitely not happened since I moved house. So to summarise, move house
  10. Status update - Staying on - 7/10 Turning - 5/10 Stopping - 3/10 Dropping off kerbs - 4/10 Going down hills - f**k that Falling on my ass count - 0
  11. Fair enough.. I wonder if that's what's up with my jump bike, lol.
  12. I think post mount is good, it's less of a faff to set up in my opinion.
  13. Either way, it doesn't work if you just chomp it as soon as you get it.
  14. You've finished your jig then I take it? Looking forwards to seeing this in the flesh, that head tube design is fancy!
  15. Yeah, but that's going in through your lungs, which is different still. You're probably right, it probably needs breaking down with heat. Need some scientists up in this bitch to give us a proper answer. Hahaha.
  16. I herd you have to eat it with some source of fat, such as butter.
  17. If you want to save money, just get the fresh products lever blade and an 04 body. Not many people have the new HS brakes, partially cause they haven't been out long, and also because you don't often need to replace the whole thing. Finally, it'll cost you a lot of money to buy the new HS brake just to see if an older lever fits.
  18. I thought you were using a maxxis swampthing on the rear?
  19. Glass porn? Threesome do you?
  20. I think John Lewis actually go about trying to be the cheapest shop for electrical goods. So if you find it cheap in tesco, get John Lewis to price match it, they're bound to be better in terms of guarantees.
  21. Revolver

    Citreon Saxo

    If you're looking for a reliable but cheap car, you might consider something like a Honda Logo. One trick to getting cheap insurance is to pick a car few young people drive, that isn't powerful. This is a perfect example. Of course, you might value how cool you look more than money, so in that case, don't do this. For the record, my first car that I actually drove, was a 1994 clio 1.4, but I had the bonus of being 20. edit: sorry about the massive picture I can't find a smaller one.
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