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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I thought it was pretty cool. I'll watch more of it, if I remember.
  2. Bunny Sunday 14th November Weather dependant, of course
  3. December sometime I think.
  4. No, Hs33, but I think if you build the wheel right it will feel pretty good with a disc. Little Yoshi I think snapped his disc mount, but that's only one, which doesn't make a trend.
  5. I think ryan leech came up with these names to confuse us. Tap - ram your front wheel on the edge of the object and use this to get up Roll- up - roll up to the object, raise the front wheel, stick it on there, and suck up the rear wheel, all whilst rolling. Pedal-up - roll towards an object, then raise the front wheel with a pedal kick, follow up with the other pedal and jump at the same time Those are the names I understand, I think it helps that the names sound like what you're doing.
  6. You could get into the pigeon position, and then pull the front brake and scoop the rear wheel up, and then when it's high enough you release the brake to get on. For zap taps though, I think you don't use it.
  7. Revolver


  8. Revolver


    The flaming leg bit is cool. It's a shame, it often just seems like a collection of clips of stunts, rather than a film.
  9. Revolver


    It's not spectacularly well filmed.
  10. There was, a while ago, a batch of trialtech spacers that were too small to fit onto a driveshell. It sounds like this is your problem. It happened to me - it was such a size that it would go onto the very edge, but no further, such that you thought 'I bet a bit of force would get this on.' If that sounds familiar, contact tartybikes!
  11. I use a spoke where the cable goes, and cable-tie the main bit of the derallieur to the chainstay.
  12. Yes. They are nice and toasty warm. If you wear one of those, a t-shirt and a hoodie, that's all you need.
  13. If you want a uniqlo top, you get it from uniqlo, so the prices are on there too.
  14. http://www.uniqlo.com/heattech/uk/ I recommend this.
  15. Apparently a J-hop is a bunnyhop. You may need to either - Tilt your bars back, put stackers under your stem, buy new, higher bars, or buy a new, higher stem, or any combination of those, in order of how much of a faff it is. How new are you to trials? If you are used to a trials bike, this should be easy to bunny hop and a spec alteration will more likely be the solution. If you are new to trials, it could be technique too.
  16. I approve of people recommending my water bleed guide.
  17. Cease means stop. His cranks keep stopping up.
  18. Ho-kay. Well, pictures of each bike might help. Otherwise, you're stuck.
  19. You should keep the best bits of each bike. Obviously, we can't tell you what the best bits are until you tell us what bits you have.
  20. Extra lol-points for it being the same OP.
  21. One time, I made a thread, called 'small mechanical questions'. Perfect for 'which way to I undo a bottom bracket? How do I I stop my chain from slipping? My brake is toss, how do I fix it?' But alas, it didn't take off.
  22. I just in general dislike dumb people. I do however enjoy the feeling that some retard might read this and think 'awww, he means me. ' The positive side of this is that smart people will not be offended because they are smart, and dumb people won't realise that I mean them, so no-one gets hurt.
  23. Score, now hopefully it's worked properly and it'll all fit.
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