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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. You need to learn to use your tyre pressure and preload to get far. Concentrate on having fun and improving back wheel control first.
  2. I started doing some weight lifting two weeks ago.. On one day I do 4 sets of 15 hammer curls and 4 sets of 15 ordinary curls where you turn the weight 90 degrees. On the next day I do 4x15 skull-crusher type exercises, and 4x15 bench press type exercises. My question is, ought I to have a rest day in between? Current schedule is just alternating until the weekend and slacking off saturday and sunday. Would this shit work faster if I went for bicep-tricep-rest-bicep-tricep-rest? I also do ab exercises in between each exercise.
  3. This. You're never going to find a rotor that's indestructible. To make it unbendable means making it brittle. Just buy a bog standard one, it doesn't make any difference.
  4. Ebay, the for sale bit here, or.... choose something that's similar measurements that IS available.
  5. Oh no, I realise what I've done. I've asked one of those questions that people ask over and over again. I must admit, I've got in the habit of ignoring those threads, but I do feel ashamed of myself.
  6. There's enough space to make more houses. The entire planet is overpopulated.
  7. Someone I was talking to at work said - deport immigrants who commit crimes. I think this is a sensible idea - this is a step towards treating people on an individual basis. She said that one man stole from the supermarket I work at, and he said his reason was 'If I steal from you and get caught, it will get me a council house quicker.' The downside is a higher potential for illigal immigrants. The upside to that is, if they get caught then you don't even have to faff around taking them to court, they're already breaking the law.
  8. Did you know? Bonus subject - Immigration - Britain is an ageing country. This means we have more elderly people than young people, a trend which is only getting worse. This is because many couples are choosing to only have one child. Immigrants are required because their tradition is to have many children. Immigrants are required to prevent our country from dying out in the future. Dispite this, we are still facing an ageing population. Pro tip #1 - Have 3 children. Pro tip #2 - Shut up about immigration, it's absolutely necessary.
  9. By the power of spoke-tensioner... I have the perfectly functional drivetrain without spending moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!
  10. I don't care, everyone's a dickhead, there are dickheads everywhere. Dickheads will always be dickheads. If everyone treated everyone else on an individual basis, there would be much less dickheadery, but dickheads being dickheads, it could never happen. Dickheads.
  11. I've never needed to wear two! I do wish there was a glove equivalent. When I went to bristol, at night it became unbearable to ride because the brake levers became so cold, and so were my hands, and it hurt Any recommendations for wicked sick warm gloves? I was even using some winter motorbike gloves, but my hands still froze.
  12. Mmm, I have long sleeved versions of what Mark has, on his recommendation. My brother reckons that one top is equal to a jumper in warmth - but it's a pretty thin t-shirt. They're really good, don't bother with anything else.
  13. Sure, cut them off if you don't need them. I think it's a bit weird putting mounts on a trials frame, for hammerschmidt, when hammerschmidt isn't rated for trials, and it costs £600.
  14. It doesn't have so much of a TGS geometry. However, if anyone wants a Zoot 1... I've got one
  15. Pro tip - choosing a tyre with a sturdy sidewall will protect your tube from punctures much better than using a flimsy tyre and an epic tube.
  16. If you can make a reliable freewheel that makes a noise like a woman having a crisis, then I'm interested.
  17. There is in Halo: Reach.
  18. Probably most of the people who've got it have already had the last one and played it loads so the controls and skills will carry over. You'll have to wait longer for the shit people to buy it.
  19. If Deng reveals a range of 24" trials bikes in his 2011 range, then Onza will have missed out on getting in there before there were too many options. Matt, get a because.... Get a because, Matt...
  20. It's fine, it's nice! If you match it with a Trialtech forged stem and good bars like Rockman bars, it's just right. Oh, and a few stackers, lol. Get it, you won't regret it.
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