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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Didn't it used to be a little pixelated cartoon styled thing?
  2. I was running this setup on my jump bike for ages. The front wheel felt ridiculous, it's similar to how a stock feels in general... but with it just on the front wheel it's worse.
  3. It makes your front wheel feel massive.
  4. Doh, why did you say it was unsealed if you didn't know?
  5. You like lines? Then do more lines that involve riding that takes more balance. Find some line that means you need to ride on some brick-width walls.
  6. There's no jingle in your long videos... it's not the same!
  7. Learn to 180. Learn to 360. Learn to spinny 180 front wheel drop thing. Learn to manual. Learn to hop to manual.
  8. Onza/Supercycles/Rock n Roll bikes might do one. Legend has it the weird extra headset-like bit on a Zoot mk1 frame is such a component. I doubt Onza sell one seperate, but they might, you never know.
  9. I erm got hold of the full 1080p copy.
  10. You goon, that's the answer to the question you asked.. unless you asked it wrong.
  11. I have a Dr. Jekyll, and when I was riding 4-cross with my buddy, I discovered that the geo on the Dr. Jekyll was very very similar to that of his Leeson. I'm tempted to whack some trials forks on there and lighten the gear for some street trials action...
  12. The hardest gear possible? 48t bmx sprocket on the front, 8t bmx hub on the back. A ratio of 1:6.
  13. If only I didn't buy a tartybikes super exclusive special hope team edition green pro II trials... then I could have pimp coloured echo rims! Damn 36 hole hub...
  14. Only a magura hs brake can work with a water bleed. Disc brakes heat up and bleeding them with water will break them. Observe the link in my signature for a how-to video on water bleeds in your bath or sink.
  15. Dus it have big weels n a seet if so it is a foarplay mate fnx. hope dis helpt.
  16. I've got mine on cams, one on each side. They go on the outside.
  17. He's pushing the boundaries of what's possible in trials. Not in terms of size or height of moves, but in terms of what he can integrate into a line.
  18. I believe this is the shit you shouldn't try to wash off - it makes it worse. Vinegar neutralises it.
  19. There was another guy who filmed it, his name began with A. That's all I remember
  20. Sarcasm travels over the internet as well as my fist does. Not that I want to smack you, lol, it's just an example
  21. I dunno... might be a steadycam and some imagination. Add to that a shorter lens and you could come out with that.
  22. According to the credits, it's only Dave, the same guy who filmed the April video, who's responsible.
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