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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I predict that this thread may at some point become a science vs religion debate.
  2. Hahaa, I've only ever beat cups into frames and have so far not felt any symptoms of a flared headtube. I'm relatively careful though.. I've seen someone on here I think, who made a press out of some threaded bar and some other bits. It wouldn't take much to make one.
  3. Phatphluid promises the same type of performance as that emulsion.
  4. Revolver

    Bmx Hub

    Screw that, flatten the can and ram it down the back of your tyre. Much less unpredictable.
  5. I prefer the geometry on my because. Whew, that's a relief, now I don't want to swap frames AGAIN...
  6. 50% water 50% antifreeze. Really you should syringe bleed for antifreeze, it's a waste to pour that into your sink. You can use distilled water if you feel happier using it.
  7. Reverse Osmosis water. Sounds like it's water that's been filtered to leave it as H20 and nothing else. Thus, no nasty salts or other chemicals that corrode your seals.
  8. Anyone with half a braincell will be able to figure out the real answer. The plane thinks you're a dickhead.
  9. Revolver

    New Hs33 Brake

    How could you say you have a leaver... ...If it is always leaving?
  10. Riding a bike is the perfect form of excercise - you can ride as hard or slow as you like, you can choose where you want to go so it's always different.
  11. God knows how you can strip a good four bolt mount like that. I do mine up b*****d tight and I don't strip them.
  12. If suckers keep buying stuff when they crank the prices up, the prices will stay up. On the other hand, people buy TVs on which is cheapest, and there are more TV buying people than cyclists, I'd've thought. Cheap bullshit bikes are pretty cheap.
  13. VAT goes on anything that has had value added to it. So veg and ingredients for stuff don't have VAT, but when something is processed, like a ready meal or oven pizza jobbie, that has VAT. Pretty much everything has VAT it seems.
  14. Pro tip: Splitting your post up onto different lines makes it easier to read and so more people will want to help. The fundamental part of up to fronts is that the front wheel lands after the rear wheel takes off, so I practice doing that on relatively low stuff, maybe up to 2 feet or something, 3 feet. Bear in mind the technique changes as you get higher, you need to go up more.
  15. Pro tip: Using an informative topic title makes people at least know what they're clicking on.
  16. How will I cope? I think I'll try running down the street in my undercrackers first.
  17. Free online, inbuilt wi-fi and blu-ray player are all strong selling points for me. Plus, metal gear solid, which is sick.
  18. oh my god! Gran Turismo 5 is out today! ... Is what I'd be saying if I even had a PS3 to play it on.
  19. You need to modify the driveshell and the axle. I think modifying the axle isn't too bad, but the thread on the driveshell isn't very popular so sorting that out is difficult. I don't think anyone's made a custom one that you can use the disc on either. There is ONE, only one afaik, mod spaced prototype floating around.
  20. I found a problem... THE CRAP MUSIC! But seriously, that's a pretty sweet setup from my point of view.
  21. I'm game for a remake of the first halflife. I've never played it. Still, the fact it says '2009' and it's nearly 2011 doesn't look great.
  22. I saw a customer at work try and fit a large trolley into a small trolley several times before giving up. In fact, on that occasion I told them 'That's a big trolley, it won't fit in a small trolley.'
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