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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Point 1) You would be vapourised loooooooooooooooooooong before you got to the sun. It's pretty f**king hot. So hot it melts particles together. You'd be f**ked. Point 2) Alpha Centauri is f**king far away, we're still umming and aahing about going to mars, which would take over a year I think. Plus, there's knack all there, it's just a star, it's the same as ours, there isn't a planet of naked women orbiting it.
  2. The newest MSN is bullshit. Avoid at all costs.
  3. Do you mean, get someone to land on the sun?
  4. I played this today! It was a great laugh, I managed to kill some people!
  5. Thanks to Virgin, if you sell the house you'll bring up your future family, you'll be able to afford to see space!
  6. I'd like to see the northern lights.
  7. http://soundcloud.com/aparticular/the-curious-art-of-listening This band is mostly made of dudes that went to my school. This song's really good!
  8. Naah, there's skill involved in building and painting figures. Whereas world of warcraf only requires that you spend all your time on it.
  9. The newest instalment of world of warcraft expansions. WOW stole my best friend
  10. [Additional generic masturbation joke]
  11. Revolver


    Inception on blu-ray AND dvd - Bought. If only I could watch it... f**king uni assignment.
  12. Revolver


    Object: Defeated. Ha.
  13. f**ksake, I'm going to video me 360ing and use that to learn how to do it.
  14. That is a cool dream. Lol, every once in a while I dream about this lass, that turned me down. Annoyingly when I dream about her, she turns me down in my dreams as well. WHAT THE f**k BRAIN YOU'RE MEANT TO BE ON MY SIDE.
  15. Are you from clifton? Matt sold up, Toby sold up. Although recently Toby was talking about stocks...
  16. You're gay, why can you 360 up stairs and I can't 360 on flat? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO??!!?!
  17. Not so much. I might be toss at trials, but I am still a bit bored of Nottingham. For some reason I seem to ride worse here.
  18. Revolver


    Clap, I tried that. 'SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.' A program language for making music doesn't really make sense to me... So you write a load of code like HTML or actionscript, and then play that? Why?
  19. It has to have been cancelled... they never finished their plan!
  20. Revolver


    wtf is supercollider? I thought it was a massive expensive physics thing?
  22. It's called sleep paralysis, and one common event for people suffering this is seeing some dutty witch woman come into your room and sit on your chest and try to throttle you. Course, it's a hallucination, it just shits you up because you're still breathing really shallow breaths like you do when you're asleep.
  23. Cmon you bastards, make a 24" stiky lite tyre...
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