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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Well... I like the colours.
  2. There's a bike shop in Nottingham called Freewheel, and inside this shop works a guy that I know. I reckon he could fix my bike real good, it's just, my bikes don't really break in a catastrophic way that requires a trained guy to fix them. Furthermore, I can't be bothered to go to the effort of going into town, booking in my bike, then taking it in when it's due, then paying for it to be fixed, and having to pick it up, when I can do an acceptable job, at least, from home, and each time I do the job I get better at it.
  3. There is so little choice... For trials trials, you've got the 2.4 high roller, the 2.4 i think swampthing that I noticed CRC sold, and there's the Bluegroove. I've used a high roller and a swampthing, but my swampthing was old by then so the high roller appeared to shit on it. I would just go for the high roller because I know it works.
  4. So a frenchman or a spaniard is happy to think 'shit damn, it's a new season, lets bin the old koxx sky for a brand new one to celebrate'?
  5. I only caught the very end of this No-one said anything! So I saw Danny Boyle's lap and the navigating New York challenge. I'd've taken the Merc for that though, I think it would be the most comfy for a drive across America which I gather they did.
  6. Back in primary school some of the other kids used to say 'DOOSH!' to provide the sound effect for when someone is punched or kicked. I on the other hand learnt to make the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ7DahVmndY. Slightly relevant factoid for you all there.
  7. Dear any manufacturers that might be reading this thread, This is a fantastic idea that you should take up immediately. Atomz has already jumped in, all that is needed to make this a total success is your co-operation! Go for it! - Revolver
  8. Build some kind of system where unless it's your cat, wearing an identifying chip in its collar, going through the catflap, then some kind of modified table mounted circular saw falls down, disabling any intruders.
  9. Your existing idea is good. Hopefully it won't be in there too long, else it might shit in your house.
  10. I vote for revolver's mystery parcel thread.
  11. Hooray. If only it could be released sooner, so that echo won't get there first. The geometry sounds good too.
  12. You are good, and I am jealous of your copious amount of quality spots. A little known fact about yorkshire is that the entire county is located on a bed of rock that contains a specific mineral, that through extraction by plants, makes it into the air via transpiration. This mineral has been found to be responsible for a mutation in the human genome, that causes the effect that when a person with said gene is exposed to the airborn chemical through inhalation or ingestion via water intake, becomes awesome. A person with said gene might find lowering levels of awesome if they are out of contact with the chemical for an extended period of time, so it becomes necessary for them to visit yorkshire to recover their awesome. A by-product of the process of creating awesome in the body of someone with this gene is a chemical that has been found to cause lameness in any other human being. This by-product is carried by the wind in a westerly direction and is found in its greatest concentration over lancashire, which it turns out is the cause for lancashire being the worst county in the country, and full of lame people. It is for this reason that by default, if you come from yorkshire you are awesome and a total badass, even if you are also a thunderc**t.
  13. It IS worth noting you can make a bike impossible to manual. My mate, bendy on here, had a zhi that was impossible to bunnyhop. I seriously tried so hard to do it but it wasn't doing it. So yeah, having a bike that's impossible to do it on won't help, because you can't do it even if you can do it. So maybe try on someone else's bike to see if you can do it even a bit, you may want to tilt your bars back then or slap some stem stackers in there.
  14. Mmm.. What I wonder is this - As we know, you only see life from your own point of view. So... if you were teleported - a copy made and the original you destroyed - would you continue on as life as your clone, or would you die and your clone, a copy that would behave exactly as you, take up your life?
  15. That bike looks the right size on you.
  16. This is nottingham - So there, feel sorry for me.
  17. Lime pads are n't that good Get some ssss-sick pads. Also, 18/15 is stock standard, but if you think it's low, use 18/14,. why not.
  18. Don't. It would appear water instantly seizes a dot fluid brake. It did to my juicy 3s, lol.
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