Moved out of the house I lived in for the last 13 years.
Lived in a small semi detached house briefly, moved into a flat with nowhere near enough space for all our shit, but I got the big room lol.
Got rid of my Clio swamp and got a vauxhall astra, loads better.
Hmm, this lass that I was good friends with, broke up with her boyfriend... sort of seemed like there was an opening there for ol' Revolver, although later I pretty much sussed there wasn't, but I decided to tell her I liked her anyway - by text of course, why would you waste the stress doing in in real life if you know how it's going to end? - she gave me some 'friends' guff and since then I can't get a word from her, so I've deleted her from everything. Clearly she can't even honour her decision.
What else? Uni seems to be going decent, and I've been given the odd stint as a supervisor at work, ha. I decided to lose some weight and do some weights and it's working and I've stuck with it, which is very un-Revolver.
More uncharacteristic things ensue, I hope.