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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. When I work out at home, I tend to listen to Skream. I find the tempo of dubstep is just right for lifting weights to.
  2. I want to lide reeds too! It would have to be on a sunday.
  3. Oh good, then you can just be a scoundrel. Was something broke?
  4. Cool, let us know when you're ready! Lol. Also, I strongly recommend the bunny cementworks location, for a later date. You are a traiter and a scoundrel.
  5. If I go to do airsoft at somewhere near by, do I get the option of borrowing their shit?
  6. Hey cool, I have a uni mate who lives there. Should arrange for a night ride on a tuesday night, I could make it to that.
  7. No more nails? If it's that badly cracked, maybe no more big gaps too.
  8. Post the picture up. You've chosen good colours to change between, for photoshopping at least
  9. This. I tend to click on it and then close the tab in about 5 seconds, to see if anything new and worth commenting on is there. As for apps and shit that clogs up your page, I have a rather long 'hide posts by...' list. And I'm (sort of) grateful for anyone who invites me to a bullshit application because then I can block it and I won't get any more
  10. I wish my dreams were so badass. Mine are tame.
  11. Wouldn't you prefer to have the one you like the look of, rather than everyone else? The fit is the most important, go try them on and pick the most comfy.
  12. It's fine, it's a good frame, strong. No-one seems to want one though, so they're hard to sell on. I think it's because when people think 24" they think 'seat bike'.
  13. To make that setup better you might want to find some cheap middleburn cranks, and possibly get better brake pads, depending on what yours are. Risers bars are also much better than flat bars.
  14. Buy the paint with the gift card now and save it until it's warmer.
  15. Well, your digital scale seems happy.
  16. Having no experience with airsoft guns, I'm going to suggest something generic. You seem to have reached a point where the gun is not much use to you as it is, which means if you take it apart, you could fix it, or if you can't, you needed a new one anyway .
  17. Looks more like he's sick of being abused by you lot.
  18. I used to get pretty depressed sometimes, but though some combination of trying to wrench my emotions into order, genuinely not giving a shit, and it wearing off due to hormones, I manage to avoid it. It's strange though, I had a little tiny pang after I had a dodgy dream. You might try to control your emotions, your sadness, but it is under no circumstances absolute.
  19. I think the standard axle is QR, so you need a heavy duty axle, fun bolts and the damn lockring thing. It's pretty expensive, but the standard axle isn't up to much.
  20. Revolver


    Lee Child's books are good, fools. Jack Reacher is a hero.
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