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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I've got a BB7 on the back of my Dr. Jekyll thing and I'm surprised how well it handles trials. I recommend that. I think a grind does improve bite over hold. I think with a solid setup and good pads you can see enough hold out of a smooth rim. All the old school riders used to manage on toss pads and smooth rims so it must be possible, lol. I recommend disc though.
  2. Doh, you get bonus marks for making up a realistic set of answers.
  3. You can do it on photoshop, it simulates some intense depth of field that you usually find when you take pictures of small things. I can't think of how to do it on PS though, I think you'd have to select everything behind whatever the picture is of, and use lens blur, then select everything that's in front and lens blur the other way. Something like that
  4. I saw a dean guitar in the background there...
  5. I do believe it isn't. If you fiddle with the tolerance on magic wand, and deselect contiguous, then it will select all the exact colour everywhere in the picture. It's not what you're looking for. I recommend the pen tool for accurate selections.
  6. I think that is right. So you need a protractor or something else that measures angles. The x by the floor works, but if you measure the angle that your forks make with the floor it will be wrong because forks are at an offset to the steerer tube, so you're better off using the top one. You could get two pieces of wood screwed together, use this to make the angle with, and then measure it with a protractor away from the bike. Techically you could use a pair of scissors like that, but they are loose at the pivot so the angle would change before you meaured it.
  7. I don't like the track, but it doesn't sound badly made. So that's a good thing, really. You're not too bad at this. Certainly better than I was, lol. Keep it up!
  8. I was under the impression a helicoil required a tapped M6 hole, into which you screw the M5 helicoil. So in effect it spaces a M6 thread to M5.
  9. Koxx do know what they're doing.
  10. Only if it's from a forest where they plant more trees for every tree cut down.
  11. I see. Does that explain some of the weird banners like 'plentyoffish.com'?
  12. TF store? http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/store/ What are you guys planning?
  13. Yes, as it's set up in that second picture, that's right and good, unless your chain is still flopping around, in which case, take some out.
  14. Is that first arm sprung then?
  15. You really need to set it closer to your chainstay. If you can do that by undoing that bolt then great, else, shorten your chain by a link or so.
  16. Lol, squash it back maybe. If you get a headset with super-deep cups, it will resist against creaking and play there. Alternatives include getting someone with a jig to cut it apart and put a new headset in there.
  17. I used to not like wearing my helmet because it was heavy. So I'd only wear it when I was actually riding, and take it off if I wasn't doing tricks or stuff. Then I bought a MET kaos or whatever it's called, and it is dead light, so I leave it on. So the moral of the story is, get a helmet that weighs 200g, and you'll never notice it.
  18. INB4 worn out joke about kitchens and sandwiche- Oh, never mind then.
  19. Stupid lass. I understand it's not the first time she's tried to top herself.
  20. When I try to sleep, regularly I will feel as though lights are shining on my eyes. It can range from it seeming like the light in the hall is creeping through the door, to feeling like someone is shining a torch in my eyes. I can feel my pupils change to adjust to it. I think it started when I used to sleep with my laptop on sleep, and it used to flash in the dark, and I noticed I could sense when it was flashing with my eyes closed, and I'd open them when I thought the light was on and it was off, and it would come on momentarily after. It's weird and sometimes annoying, but it's cool. I call it 'the light show', lol.
  21. It might. If the colours were shifted then it would make sense, but if they were randomly reassigned then I think this would suggest its not true. If you really want to bake your noodle, try to imagine a life without language. Imagine how a dog things, or a dolphin, or any other animal.
  22. I wondered this. But if you put colours next to each other, then if you didn't interpret them right, they might look shit. So only a few people might like a red and blue colour combo like pepsi, whereas looooads of people like red and blue together. I think.
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