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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I think ideally you'd use a syringe, and pull the lever in so it pushes the oil out of there, and then force through a few syringe-fuls.
  2. Hey, I've heard of you, from Ben.
  3. Japan has some cooool stuff to ride. I'm sure there will be more riders in Japan, I dunno if there's a japanese biketrials forum, but it doesn't help this being an english one. Most of the english riders are on here, whereas there might only be a few japanese riders on here when there's loads more out there.
  4. http://soundcloud.com/revolver-1 The top one on there is the oldest song. I have no idea how I recorded it so well, the quality of the recording and the sync shits on the latest track, 'This might be the real song'. And it was a few years ago with my oldest, cheapest guitar.
  5. You'd better touch wood a storm doesn't invite itself along on that week, and clear off for the next Hopefully my holiday form is around today so I can book it off
  6. Hmm... Well, it won't be as warm. It would suck if it rained.
  7. *Only One day I promise I will get round to filming how to do an antifreeze bleed with a syringe.
  8. Revolver's guide to bath bleeds is all you need.
  9. I see you quoted all those pictures for pretty much no reason. Also, the idea for an inspired in this shade of green is definitely not original
  10. This. I used to knacker my riding up pulling my brake mid-180 and stuff, so I ditched it and improved! Also, it used to make my frame vibrate and make a f**king loud noise. I used the inspired pads though, I recommend them if you can't bing yourself to go brakeless.
  11. That's not you, your hair isn't big enough.
  12. If the date gets fixed soon enough, I'll try and get it off work!
  13. Another trick is to bung muddy water in and then drag it down hill. The sediment that makes it muddy becomes an abrasive, it helps remove a layer of shite.
  14. I'm on the PS3 right now!
  15. lol i got plentyoffish but at uni! Adblocker sees to it at home... Sorry tomturd.
  16. It's to stop people trying to sell before we know they're not scammers. Oops!
  17. I have COD black ops, Medal of Honour, GT5 and MGS4. I have read dead redeption! On the 360...
  18. Revolver

    Leeds Ride

    So they're old and bullshit? Has-beens? Something your parents use, to your embarrassment? Something no-one in the current generation can stand? Something you must never admit you like for fear of becoming an outcast?
  19. I strongly doubt it, as tilf-shift lenses are very expensive, you're looking at £1000+ of lens there, or more, and then you'd need to buy a camera body worthy of it. Well, you could do it on a 550d or so, £600? So £1600+ of kit there.
  20. I understand it's pretty challenging and thus rewarding to do, and it's impressive, but I don't find it in any way exciting. They're not even naked, for f**k's sake...
  21. On a mod to run a massive chainring means a lot less clearance underneath. Stock riders have been adopting it because it moves the weight into the middle of the bike, like was mentioned above.
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