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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Heh, I can't clear a kerb on my trials bike. I've stuck a couple of stackers under my stem so I shall have to see if it makes the difference. American style 180 is an absolute must for learning to 180 up things.
  2. This really does look nice. I wonder how much it weighs if it has a carbon top tube.
  3. Yes, front wheel first. It allows you ti fine tune your timing as well so you can take off slightly later, which is why I think it works.
  4. I struggle with this with my trials bike, but I can do it on my bmx. On my bmx the key things were, learn to 180 using an american-style bunnyhop rather than just a straight up hop, and also go faster. I think the hard part is american style 180 on a trials bike, they're not the best at it.
  5. I like those stars, that's nice. I think more people should do custom graphics to their frames.
  6. If there is a sin bin, and someone got sin-binned, I think it wouldn't encourage them to improve themselves to get out of there. It would seem like there isn't any reason to go into a section of the forum like that except if you have been made to go there, which would cause all the posts in there to be variations of 'please let me out of the sin bin' and people with the ability to vote people out might not go in there because there isn't anything to read except for those posts. What if, instead of a sin bin section of the forum, if you were sin binned, it meant you couldn't post in the classifieds section, possibly the trials chat section, and weren't able to use the status update or show a signature (both areas where people advertise items for sale)?
  7. I think you should release a longer video.
  8. Indeed it is not, and it is good that such a responsibility falls on standard members so you can spend the time improving things around here. From what I've gathered moderators do have a lot of rubbish to deal with that is't presented to the forum, so whatever makes this job easier for them and yourself is best.
  9. Revolver


    All the more reason to film more shit then, eh?
  10. Revolver


    As far as videos go, it had lots of bits of where you were doing the same thing in the same place. It doesn't make a good video.
  11. Fag, you have it on peaceful. Mind you, I turned it on and forgot to turn it off...
  12. Put your back wheel right on the edge, and use tyre squish to help you get across. If you're finding you bounce off the floor trying it, start a tiny bit further back. Also, to get really good at gaps you need to learn to preload... so as you're squishing your tyre you also quickly squat down whilst lowering your front wheel and then when you go, pull yourself into the bike. Finally, unless you're super pro you might find that with this technique it helps to jump up and then push it forwards as you land. If you watch some videos, pay attention to how they gap - you'll find they execute all these moves, but watching videos can help you understand where to put your body better, and to get a sense of timing. I'm learning the same thing! I've been faffing around with it for ages, I know what to do but I just don't do it =/
  13. Revolver


    No reply...
  14. It's getting to look a bit like a bmx now... Then again, you can take the same approach to riding on both bikes.
  15. Yeah, it's not too sharp on noticing when to bugger off. You actually have to click on the drop down menu with a number on it to get shut, rather than if you click on the link that you get in the box at the right. I think it's a nuisance, and it does it for PMs too.
  16. I like minecraft. I have a floating castle with a lavafall and a waterfall.
  17. I'm sure we've seen a previous picture of his bike with a through-axle fork? Perhaps that picture just shows a 20mm quick-release system.
  18. Hahaha, this is a public forum, the whole world could know if it gave a shit.
  19. Naah, cause a disc mount isn't exactly much weight, so the clever thing is to buy a disc hub.
  20. Fresh windows install, new wireless doohickey, new mouse, seems to have worked!
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