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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Maybe you were stood in the way! That was pretty cool! Mark, make a video, your bike and riding style are intriguing but you only get cameo appearances in videos.
  2. Important question: 'Why do you always end u-' End up what?!?!
  3. I'd better stay up then, to watch this vid!
  4. I noticed I needed less pressure when I swapped from a thin sidewalled tyre to a thick one.
  5. I'd seen there was new video support, I didn't know how much of it was your doing though! It might be cool if the videos section and pictures section took you to their respective parts of the gallery, integrating it better. There's the whole video comments system but because of topics it doesn't seem necessary. Sorry to dump all these suggestions on you!
  6. Lame, I guess that's no incentive to make anything big then. Is the videos thing still yours or have they got round to including some video support now?
  7. Well, I ride a 24" and I feel left out because you're only asking mod and stock riders. I usually put in 20psi, and then go for a little bounce and let air out until it feels right. My mates often tell me to change my tyre pressure though, lol.
  8. Well, you're doing a good job. It's human nature to take things for granted but I think that everyone on here appreciates this forum. What do you mean by 'maintain'? Does code degrade after time? Or is it fixing bugs that don't show up immediately, meaning there would be an end to it eventually?
  9. I think the weight difference between plastic backings and carbon backings is negligible. I dunno if it would be significantly stiffer either.
  10. If there were janitors, and janitors had the power to negative-rep posts, and negative repped posts were hidden from view for everyone, but not deleted (like when someone's in your ignore list) then spam could at least be hidden. That wouldn't stop spam from being posted everywhere though.. If janitors could also close threads, then spam threads could be controlled. A moderator could then be informed of it via the report system and it could be deleted and the spam user banned. Tomturd, are you coding the PHP for things like this yourself?
  11. With regards to this, Astra Owners Club has a regional section that inside is split up into things like 'North, Yorkshire, Midlands, London, Wales' and so on. I think it would be a better idea to do that than use these prefixes. It might encourage people to reuse ride threads as well as making it easier to find rides in your area or areas you're thinking of going to.
  12. The 20mm-QR adaptors thing works for 20mm hubs, specific ones like the hope and atomlab ones, that turns a 20mm hub into a QR hub, so it wouldn't let you just use pikes with a QR hub. If you've got a hope pro II hub on the front though, I think they can be equipped with the 20mm axle, so if yours is currently QR you might find you could turn it into 20mm. Pikes are a really good choice, remote lockout compatibility is nice, but don't go jumping with it on, it'll break, like my recon one did.
  13. I'm putting 7. I don't have a lass, which would be nice, but I'm not sure I've got the time to entertain one either. I think though that I'm at my best, better than I've been, but I don't think I've reached my potential so I couldn't score myself 10 just on that yet.
  14. Yes, that was good. Also - sneaky guy, filming some stuff at that funky spot in Nottingham...
  15. I used to suck at 180s until I decided, 'I'll take my brake off my bmx, I always pull it and ruin my attempts at 180s' and then I went out and practiced them loads and now I can do them ok. So the moral of the story is, if you pull your brake mid trick, DON'T. Use deathgrip on a trials bike, brakeless on a bmx.
  16. Here's a good one - When you wake up and realise that normally on this day you'd be at work, but today you don't have to.
  17. Yeah... it almost feels like I've turned myself 180 before I've even lef the floor, lol. When I 360 I basically carve, coil up my body and then hoik the bike into the air real quick and let out that coiling. It works on my bmx but not my trials bike.
  18. You just have to be careful about which bike you buy, and ideally go and look at it first. Some people can look at a bike and it fall apart, others keep everything tip top. The bad thing about that drone is it's got a dirty low BB and a high gear ratio. Nothing's stopping you from riding street trials on it (except the ratio) but it won't be as nice as the zoot is for it.
  19. Firstly both of those are square taper, so you need a square taper BB to fit them. Next, the top one comes with something like a 22t chainring, meaning you need an 18t sprocket at the back, or close to it. The bottom one, it doesn't mention whether it comes with a chainring or not (it doesn't even mention if it's ISIS or square taper) but if it comes with a chainring it is likely to be an 18t one, and you'll need a 16t or similar sprocket on the back. Those two products aren't particularly well described on there, but yeah, they should fit.
  20. My linkhttp://www.tartybikes.co.uk/24_inch_trials_bikes/onza_zoot_2010/c50p11230.html Admittedly it's a bit over £400 but it's your best bet. Look out for second hand ones!
  21. 'Fro rly? I carve so much into 360s that the front wheel nearly starts going the other way. Maybe that's why it's hard?
  22. Revolver

    26 Riding...

    Nice video, would be good to see more. It would be interesting to see what happened after some of those failed attempts. It looked like the handlebars tangled your feet up in one of them!
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