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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Looks like you took to it pretty well.
  2. You use the same foot to raise your bike for pedalkicking, as you pedal kick with. Practice wheelie-stopping. Pedal and bring your wheel up, lock the brake, then jab the pedals and wheelie forwards, lock the brake, jab again, and so on. If you can do a few of these, put a jump in when you jab the pedals - instant pedal kick. The wheelie stop method is the absolute best way to learn them.
  3. Are you moving, going to live there forever? If so, bung the bike in with all your other things. As for companies that move people's stuff across countries, I can't help. But if you're not moving a load of stuff, you could always dismantle your bike and put it in a golf bag or its own suitcase with some card to protect it.
  4. I guess, it makes sense. Perhaps the reason my brake hasn't needed rebleeding is because I use warm water to bleed it with, because I don't want to have my hands in ice cold water.
  5. Is it me or is that head angle nuts?
  6. I'm not so sure about that. Air is a lot less dense than water so it will always rise above it. It's true air comes out into your bath when you run the tap but then it rises as bubbles and leaves. If air is mysteriously getting into your brake, it's leaking. Mine's been water bled... since I made the water bleed video, and it's not lost any water.
  7. The thing with english exams, I found, is they asked you dumb questions, 'how did Steinbeck make Of Mice and Men more dramatic by using linguistic devices?' is an example. That doesn't make sense to me, so I sucked at english exams. However if you go and ask the f**king teacher how to get your head around the questions, you will be able to write something decent. As for the quality of your english spelling and grammar, you should've been learning that from primary school. In the back of your head you probably know what you're doing wrong, so listen to that, and change it, take some time to do this.
  8. Ask the teacher how to improve. Listen.
  9. I'm at uni, if I resize the window, shrink it, the members button moves down when it would be off the edge of the window.
  10. Well, articles started by me are completely written from scratch by me. It would be nice if people try to write clearly if they edit articles... I edited out some bits in the mod article, something like 'it's a bit confusing unless it's in front of you'. That's no good! Someone who IS confused isn't going to get any help from dud writing like that.
  11. Do you have a drill and a tap? Nothing is stopping you from using snail cams on a BMX, and they'd work very well. Better than chain tugs.
  12. Pedal kick with your forward foot. Whenever you ride a bike you'll always have one foot forward, that's the one.
  13. Cool, and kudos on the front flips, but as far as videos go, putting in loads of them isn't so good.
  14. Try it and find out. The worst that will happen is it will leak the same as if it were bled with water. I think because it's got other stuff in it will be a little bit better. Try it!
  15. Best case scenario = oldschool geo for doing oldschool tricks. Worst case scenario = your bb scrapes along the floor. Haha, but serious, a high BB makes for nice spins, you don't need a low BB ever, not as low as what that frame would have on trials forks.
  16. No, jump bikes don't make good trials bikes.
  17. Or, save up and buy a zoot frame! My zoot frame!
  18. I have a BB7 on mine, with a 180mm rotor. Once it's set up and bedded in nicely, it works fine. Some people can't get BB7s to work as a rear brake. I dunno what I did to mine to make it work but it does.
  19. Ok, brace yourself for the epic riding of me. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/gallery/image/24696-a-few-gaps/ Start trials in february, get ciguena in april, make video in may. When you watch this video, and you see clips of a third rider and you thing WTF is this, why is this in the video that's totally no good, that's me! Ooh, a double post from me.
  20. Oh yeah, and that. f**k YOU, TGS, etc. But srs, please don't make a just-sidehops video. People have done it in the past, and it's boring. Also, rather than spending time making an intro or teaser, hurry up and get doing the rest of the video, then we can really see how you are doing and how good you are and shit. Yes! Sort of! JD recommended I make a video just to show what level I actually am at, and then I can go about beating it, so I want to make a video. Not just yet though, uni work and stuff is time consuming as it is.
  21. You do? If you're going to say, 'It's because you can't do them, and one time not long after when you first started riding you did them ok on one day and then couldn't do them anywhere near as good the next day so you gave up on them and never bothered to learn them afterwards' then you'd be right. If not, then you're wrong, bro.
  22. That's true, but I don't think I can ride well enough to be worth videoing. One thing will be for certain, it will have no sidehops in it.
  23. Hooray, sidehops. What else can you do?
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