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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. And then I've got a second screen with nought on it. It's on wallpaper slideshow though so this isn't my only wallpaper. But look how CLEEEEEEEEEAN IT IS!
  2. Not without taking it off to weigh.
  3. Revolver

    Gap Help

    Progress update: Now my wheel touches the pallet, and I can gap sideways a bit. Still not landing on it though!
  4. You could try a swampthing and a thinner tube? I'm using that right now. With a dual ply tyre you don't really need a mighty tube as well.
  5. Revolver

    Gap Help

    Cheers, I figured as much so I've tried that way so far. When I do it right I'm facing 1 or half 12 even, but if I point too sideways I find when I set off I turn mid gap and end up closer to 3 oclock. Haha, it's already an improvement, I can touch the pallet when I get it right, and that's without max power or the hip thrust! I'd better stick to it and get them all in at the same time.
  6. Revolver

    Gap Help

    I'd better get this angle thing going then! I get the feeling I'd naturally turn to the right, have my front foot towards the gap, should I avoid that? As for TGS... I'm a fan of lines, but I'm not really good enough to do the ones I see, you need some degree of TGS POWER to do lines.
  7. Revolver

    Gap Help

    Ok, thanks for that! It's a nuisance knowing this is the best I can manage at the moment, when other guys can gap much further with the same effort. That tyre's a bit weird for pressure. I had a holy roller on last, and it was easy to tell where was right, but with this tyre it's got super stiff sidewalls and it's making it tough to find the place between solid and rimming out.
  8. To be honest, I'm satisfied with the performance of my koxx yellows on a dead grind, so I rarely regrind.
  9. Avoid LBS for trials specific stuff. The two main advantages are, if you do it yourself you get the skill, and if you do it yourself it's free. The bonus reason is LBS do a lot of road and MTB work, and never any trials stuff so it's new to them.
  10. Revolver

    Gap Help

    More tips, more tips! So far - Learn to do the angle gap thing everyone else does Preload like I want to pull my joints out of their sockets Violate my stem
  11. Revolver

    Gap Help

    Hello guiz. I can't gap for shit. This video is proof. Observe how I put in substantial (for me) effort and fail to make this 6'9" gap I set up. Please to explain what I can do differently. I just hope I can translate it into progress! http://vimeo.com/20902268 It's converting. It'll be done tomorrow.
  12. Krisboats is stronger than he looks, this man can lift rocks that take two or three people to lift otherwise.
  13. I thought we called this 'pigeon'?
  14. Balls. When I went, you had to be careful getting in but all the spots were clear. There was also this fat bloke on a tiny motorbike. It was funny because you knew he'd maxed out the suspension. Poor thing.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0lIl1LxXzE Only at the entrance though, the rest of it is k.
  16. I believe it consumes large amounts of bandwidth as well.
  17. Haha, ok, I'll let you off.
  18. Well, they come loose frequently. More of a disadvantage though.
  19. It turns out you can just swap them over and it works fine. The tartybikes guys discovered it, I think!
  20. There is! http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=DE4+3SP&aq=&sll=53.138826,-1.56994&sspn=0.002304,0.006968&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Matlock,+Derbyshire+DE4+3SP,+United+Kingdom&t=h&ll=53.137984,-1.558575&spn=0.001152,0.003484&z=19
  21. It's pretty cool. I had the most fun on the small rocks up this slope a little bit.
  22. You'll find the little place marker hovering over where sainsbury's should be, but the map will open where you park to go in. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=DE4+3SP&aq=&sll=53.138826,-1.56994&sspn=0.002304,0.006968&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Matlock,+Derbyshire+DE4+3SP,+United+Kingdom&ll=53.139093,-1.57112&spn=0.001152,0.003484&t=h&z=19
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