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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Alternatively, put up with it.
  2. Sure wish I could dance like that, lol
  3. The syringe is a push fit, they always pop off if you put proper pressure down them.
  4. I'll take a house that's immune to other people wrecking it.
  5. You'll never guess who I was.
  6. Lol i died. I'll probably leave it now, unless we all band together to make summat tonk. Haha, those kids were annoying.
  7. Pro tip: You pedal kick gap, that is why you don't make the gap to wheel. Spend some time learning to get closer to the edge and use tyre squish to gap. Don't try it high up first though, you might slide down and it can be a surprise. You get this pinch gap technique and you'll be onto the next level of gaps.
  8. Hello, I'm not going to be there but there is a flowerbed with a wall to go up and another to gap to at the top of canning circus! It's round the back. Thought I'd just point out a spot I found, ha. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=canning+circus&aq=&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=18.650964,57.084961&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Canning+Circus,+Nottingham+NG7+3NE,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.955762,-1.163059&spn=0.001157,0.003484&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=52.955762,-1.163059&panoid=nJv6RgC-wjyDWwoqg6AuWw&cbp=12,72.04,,0,5.55 The bushes in the pic aren't there, there is some plants though.
  9. It would do this if a bleed hole was blocked. Maybe your bleed pipe is blocked? Can you blow through it? Sounds stupid but I can't think of much else it could be.
  10. Some, definitely. Get the bars, if they don't make it nicer, get a longer stem on top.
  11. I know, they totally struggle more when they're conscious.
  12. Leave her now, if she's bothered she can make some effort, if she's not, you're already on the way to forgetting about her!
  13. I sold my original black one, and then later I bought Dan Clark's white one, and I realised that I should never have sold it and now I ride a ciguena again! Dunno, everyone else who rode it thought it was weird but I got on with it fine. Setup probably had a lot to do with it but the setup's great atm, and I mean it.
  14. And put that other gap in, the one you posted elsewhere, that makes 4 clips!
  15. You're not too bad. Now film more shit so we can see what else you can do!
  16. I like these because they look like a ciguena, and I have a ciguena.
  17. A headlock might not work. The steerer tube might taper inside to the bottom, if it does it'll be too narrow at the bottom to fit a headlock.
  18. Stan is goooooooood, it's a pleasure to watch his videos on natural.
  19. If it's the bit I think it is, anything the same diameter and width will do, so get to an engineering shop and show them the other one and ask for something with similar dimensions.
  20. I use a trialtech forged stem and rockbars, it's just right! Well, for trialsy trials. In fact, scratch that, it seems like an overall improvement.
  21. Sounds like you're looking forwards to the communal baths afterwards more than the rugby itself...
  22. Look over your shoulder. Your body follows your head. Also look over your shoulder faster.
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