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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It depends on your frame. If you have a mighty high BB, you can use a high stem to counteract it. Your phase comes with a low BB so ideally you'd use a lower stem, although its not the be-all and end-all to it.
  2. Yeah, I had a litle go and it does hurt, beating your board aganst your knee. I want to learn to pump as well. Being able to skate without needing to push myself along would be a good skill, but I dunno how to do it. I can do it on a bike, but I can't do it on a board.
  3. Yeah, smooth ground is nice. The carpark where I live is smooth. I like going for a trundle on it but its much better on roads, which is where you find cars and potholes, both of which ruin your ride. If you can find that tutorial, send it to me! I looked at no-complys as well, but I think that's going to be after ollies.
  4. Get a fourplay frame or a new zoot frame, then. Those NS bikes will have low BB height, which is toss.
  5. OOH! I'm learning that too, I can do it sometimes. But I still want to ollie too. I have a shortlongboard, here's a picture -
  6. So? Some people learn things instantly. This might not be you. There is a certain element of chance with learning anyway, you might get the technique right in 3 goes, or 100, or 1000000. I can't ollie, I'm still going to go and try it until I can.
  7. If you want to whine and complain and be depressed, do it somewhere else. If you want to ride trials, get on your bike. If you want to know what you're doing wrong, video yourself and show us and we'll tell you.
  8. Hello. The first point I will make is that this is a pretty useless thread to make. It won't achieve anything. The second one is that perseverance is the only way to master things. You might also be learning thins the wrong way. By this I mean, if you are trying to learn to pedal kick without using the wheelie-stop method, you are doing it wrong and it will take longer. Now, get the f**k back on your bike and don't give up!
  9. Cut a wooden block, make a hole big enough for your part, cut it in half, cut a little bit off each side so there's a gap, and clamp in that. The wood will squish and grip in the threads without destroying your shit.
  10. You should've used the other one, 100 billion dollars.
  11. WRAWNG! It's a Limar helmet, it's a combination of two, a Limar Cruiser helmet, and the visor from a Limar Nutcase helmet. It looks pimp but it's heavier than a giro type helmet and you'd have to buy both helmets to make it yourself.
  12. There is no absolute guide for what height needs what size of bike. There isn't usually much in it so you should be ok with whatever you pick. You can change how it feels just by tilting the bars back or forwards.
  13. In the lever, read my post again, it tells you another tip for this problem.
  14. Find out the BB height and CS length.
  15. I have a sickening feeling actually that this weekend was fully booked and I got the weekend after off instead.
  16. I am going to look at my holiday form and see if I actually pre-empted the right date and BOOKED IT OFF SO I CAN GO!!!!! I really hope so, it was so good.
  17. Cheapest 24" you can get is the onza zoot, which seems really good value. No MTB street bike will feel good for trials.
  18. To make into pedal kick, apply pedal pressure and jump forwards and land to back wheel in order to go further. To make sidehop, jump higher and go onto something to the side.
  19. You're the GET guy? Did you film the GET2 video, or is GlassEye something that you share with Nick?
  20. Air might be trapped somewhere that doesn't come out when bled normally. Proper blast the fluid through with the syringe. Also maybe squeeze the lever in and then push fluid in as you release it, so it fills up with fluid. The air is almost certainly in the lever.
  21. It is a bit skank to deny someone access to a forum because they have toss english. It doesn't really help if this is the main forum for a niche sport as well. The current system is fine.
  22. What's football? I think you mean cross country running round thing chase.
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