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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I usually reply, but I occasionally don't reply if I want the person who's asking me to f**k off.
  2. Ask your damn teacher. They, who are trained to help you... can help. We, who are trained to take the piss, will take the piss.
  3. Not really. If you're worried, put PTFE tape on all the threads.
  4. Syringe bleeds are the best. You can put antifreeze in a water bleed with a syringe, it's a waste to do it in a bath bleed. You fill your syringe up with water, blast out the oil, repeat a few times, then put a 1/4 antifreeze 3/4 water or something mix and bleed it through firmly. One day I'll do a syringe bleed video too
  5. Well, recently I haeb't been riding loads, then I went to riding loads on my bmx, and it made blisters appear, one of which ripped and left raw skin underneath exposed and that skin split so I have a raw skin with a scab in it that keeps reopening. FFS I want to do more 360s!
  6. It can't be air then, air suspension isn't cheap. There might be a bolt on the bottom for rebound adjust, but if they're cheap toss then it won't do much. Also dirt cheap forks have a tendency to be stiff because they seize up. Naah, can't be air.
  7. Not me, I'm inside making stuff on 3ds Max, waiting for my hand to repair.
  8. Yo dude! Take a picture. Also, there's probably a valve to put more air in, use this to let air out.
  9. Dirty cheat. I already liked this from before when you first set it up.
  10. Revolver


    Bunny cementworks. Somewhere between Loughborough and Nottingham on the A60.
  11. The Leeson guiz on here will recommend a rohloff tensioner. A tensile one will do the job for less, though. You definitely want a sprung double wheel tensioner.
  12. Lol, most exellent reminds me of Bill and Ted. It would be most excellent if you could get Martyn Ashton in on it, that would be cool!
  13. Yes... And no ad shows up at the top... Ha, I'll look into it And it worked!
  14. Well, I upgraded to firefox 4, and there is still no avatars or attached images.
  15. You need some hose and a barbed fitting. You could take a barbed fitting from an old bit of hose if you have one, they're usually found on the crossover bit. And a syringe, yeah. Although if you want to water bleed it, you can use a bath or sink, by following the tutorial video in my sig. Much less faff!
  16. It's the same technique, same fittings. The bleed ports are in the same place. More or less.
  17. Revolver


    At uni we are told to export H.264 as .mov, try that?
  18. Cambats! Once you see it you can't unsee it.
  19. Revolver


    I like how you are making videos more often. Also, you are getting good at filming and editing too!
  20. That sounds more like a bad bleed. Lol, I'm imagining this guy riding his bike, and then the water JUMPS OUT OF HIS BRAKE, AND PUSHES HIM OFF A WALL. Shady character that water, keep well away from it.
  21. Oh, lame. How could I possibly read BB5 and see it as juicy 5? Ok, Round 2 - A shit cable and a shit lever contribute to spongy cable brakes. Also, a flexy setup, check all the bolts are tight. I had a front brake that flexed loads, we swapped the cable and it was no better, it was the dud lever. But you are using a decent lever, so it is likely to be the cable. Which is what everyone else said... Doh.
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