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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Dunno about that, it worked for me.
  2. AFAIK they cast them and then machine them. So they'll probably cast two or three length of cranks, that's 3 moulds, and machine the sweet torque splines and ISIS or taper interface. The problem is the sweet torque spline area is too short, so you'd need a new mould (one for each length of crank) and then a new machining process, for the sake of a niche sport. Moulds are expensive. They could modify their exising ones (maybe) but that would be an ever so slight waste of metal, and a much more significant waste of time cutting the extra bit off for the rest of the cranks.
  3. Well, if you're going to grind it it's not really worth getting a pretty rim like that.
  4. Yeah! Nick Goddard and Ben Travis and Ali C. All the guys on that video are badass. I think Nick's line on those slopy brick walls wherever they are (reading?) is the best line in that video though.
  5. That tool will swap bottom brackets. If you're not swapping BBs, you don't need it. If you are, it's pretty useful. By the sounds of it, you're chucking this powershite BB and putting in a proper one, so you'll need that tool.
  6. Maybe try a booster too. Mind, you can get an angle grinder for the price of a booster, and a grind is likely to solve your problem better than a booster.
  7. Tartybikes Adam had some special issue ones with threads, he found that there wasn't enough threads on there to safely take a sprocket or freewheel, and Middleburn don't want to spend money making new moulds just for screw on sprockets so it won't happen.
  8. You will need a crank extractor, one with some kind of ISIS adaptor - it's usually an indended cylinder shape. Like this. Then you will need a BB tool - Like this. Then you pull the cranks off with the first tool, undo the BB with the second tool, then put in the new BB with the second tool and slot your cranks on and do them up. Remember that BB shells have opposite threads on one side. I forget which side, though. Someone else is likely to post after me saying which. Boo, snaked. Edit: The reason I mention BB tools is because truvativ may well have made the splines on that BB a different shape. Their old howitzer system is an example. It looks like ISIS, but it isn't ISIS, the dicks.
  9. Here is my entry. As a certified photoshop master, I have taken time out of my busy schedule to attend to your needs. As you can see, I have recoloured said bird in the colour you required. I have also made the bird fatter and happy-looking, which is something I noticed from your brief that the competition above haven't taken note of. As a highly sought-after photoshop master I have a particular handmade style which I have tried to tone down for your purposes, but I feel still carries through - people will know it is my work when they see it! You might notice in the corner the source for the colours. This is a professional modus operande, something which it is not possible to work around. If you require any further work, feel free to get in touch. My rates reflect the high quality of my work.
  10. It takes as much time as it takes you to learn it. Vague, isn't it?
  11. Revolver

    Broken Bonez

    Haha, I see, it makes perfect sense now.
  12. You have a video that explains the facebook for businesses training... You look very colour co-ordinated with the rest of the page in it.
  13. It seems like if someone posts a question, and the next post isn't an answer, it will probably be ignored.
  14. Revolver

    Broken Bonez

    I have no idea what this word is meant to be.
  15. I'd recommend a KMC Kool chain, with a single half link.
  16. Well, it's not much, but it will take ages to post and cost a fair bit too. It is the only bad thing.
  17. The only bad thing about this is you guys are based on the other side of the world.
  18. Just had a look at that too, I don't have any albums of my own so I can only upload to public ones, there's no create button.
  19. I have the same technique as above, but I can't do it particularly far. Similar body motion is needed as in static gaps - hoiking your bike up, thrusting into the bike and kicking out to land.
  20. Maybe you should look for a minimalist template that's ready made?
  21. Chances are, the warranty covers this kind of thing. Considering it's a pretty rare occurence, it's probably a defect rather than those backings being shit. Good job on breaking something like that, lol
  22. Well, they made that car, the Tesla, that's as powerful as a sports car and lasts as long as one too. It has a load of batteries in it, which makes it roughly the same weight as a car with an engine. Only it's much more of a dick to recharge than an engine, where you just pour petrol in there. So with that in mind, you may as well just put an engine on there, it's more convenient. I think they have those already though, not sure.
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